Gus has been hospitalized. For some reason he tried to jam a telescope into his left eye.
Joe(send a card)Nation
Talking about pink elephants:
Once upon a time, a Witch Doctor was visited by a toad. The toad was toad-like in all respects apart from an unfortunate yellowish pigmentation. He begged the Witch Doctor to cast a spell that would convert him to his proper colouring.
The Witch Doctor cast an appropriate spell and, in an instant, the toad was reddish-brown, except for his penis, which remained yellow.
"Kind Witch Doctor, is there a further spell that will rid me of this hideous deformity?" the toad asked. Alas, the Witch Doctor's armoury had been exhausted. "But if you travel deep into the forest, there is a Wizard there who is more powerful than I. Beware; there are many charlatans who will promise much but yield treachery. The Wizard you seek resembles none other than legendary pop sensation, Elton John."
Away went the toad. Very shortly thereafter, a Pink Elephant arrived, in floods of tears and begging to be made normal again. The Witch Doctor took pity and cast the spell. Instantly, the elephant was grey, except, of course, for his penis, which retained its pinkie hue.
What shall I do?" exclaimed the beast, "whereas before I had a certain novelty value and occasioned but a passing chuckle, now I shall be the laughing stock of the elephantine community."
The Witch Doctor could but proffer the advice he had earlier given to the toad. "Seek you must the forest-dwelling Wizard. He that is a zinger for Elton John".
The elephant looked around wildly. "But in which direction should I commence my search."
"That is easy", replied the Witch Doctor
"Follow the yellow-prick toad."
And that concludes the proceedings of this thread.
Thank you.
Go away.
Good job, Joe.
It's finally over.
I have a way to end this thread.
If anyone posts after me they will be sent nudes photos of Dick Cheney. (from the private collection of Slappy Doo Hoo)
The photos are whisking towards you as I type, LT.
You still didn't tell me who he is ...
Is he a comedian ?
A circus performer ?
A combination of the two.
I always thought that he sort of played Edgar Bergen to our own Charlie McCarthy!
Phoenix is here. The thread has finally, mercifully, ended.
No, Phoenix is not a thread pooper.
CJ said "pooper"...<giggle>
I wonder if Jane knows that eoe is fascinated by her paint choice?