Aye, 'tis possible. And isn't possibility wonderful?
Rather impossible to say otherwise, and so ...
“Let us do something, while we have the chance! It is not every day that we are needed. Not indeed that we personally are needed. Others would meet the case equally well, if not better. To all mankind they were addressed, those cries for help still ringing in our ears! But at this place, at this moment of time, all mankind is us, whether we like it or not. Let us make the most of it, before it is too late! Let us represent worthily for once the foul brood to which a cruel fate consigned us! What do you say? It is true that when with folded arms we weigh the pros and cons we are no less a credit to our species. The tiger bounds to the help of his congeners without the least reflexion, or else he slinks away into the depths of the thickets. But that is not the question. What are we doing here, that is the question. And we are blessed in this, that we happen to know the answer. Yes, in the immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Godot to come -- ”
Yes, I've been listening on and off all day. And either one has not called, or else naught has called, but I've heard naught one thing.
That's an inconvenient consequence of living in this remote section of cyberspace; so many people and so few phone numbers. Or numbers of any sort, apart from one and naught.
I don't know who got the notion of calling our community A2K. Some one told me it is slang for the original A10K. What's wrong with, A1-0K? Sounds top notch to me.
The problem with that, Mr. D, is that the top o' the notch is filled with shredded spam. And so is the top o'the mornin', which I'd wish you right now were it not the afternoon.
0 Replies
Wed 19 Jun, 2013 08:18 pm
What type of power are we talking about here? Energy conservationist would likely want something that can end this thread rapidly with as little damage to the planet as possible.
I'm not able2say, c.i. But it does look very much like a big ?
Leads to an interesting thought ... who was the first to call it A2K? Could have been Mr. Google, I suppose. He lists us as Able2Know. Would he have gotten the notion from the NYT?
Getting to the bottom of this could add another six months to this thread.
Where to start. The Raven would likely know, don't you think?
Now that I think about it, Google and other search engines send out "spiders" to seek for websites to list. The spiders look at the information shown within the "meta" tags in the website's source code. The search engine doesn't create the name of the website, they only list the web address used in registering the site. So whoever created and/or registered the website would have been the first to use the name Able2Know. Able?Know is merely a logo the creator(s) included within the source code.
Guess we can proceed with terminating this, if we can find a way. Problem is this thread has a Gordian knot in it.
Just looked to see what wikitedium has to say of Flesh Gordon. Said the name was changed to Speed Gordon when the comic strip appeared in Oz, because there the term Flash had negative connotations at the time; they took it to mean "showy" or "crooked." Further said the Flash strip was created to compete with the already popular Buck Rogers.
Now I ask you, Andy, if connotations were a serious concern of the day, how did "Buck Rogers" manage to evade the censors?
Be bucked if I know, D. But the terms "flash" and "flasher" do conjure up images of young men of roughly our age (mine more so that yours) wearing those long raincoats with naught else under them and then opening to air out and cool off their perspiring bodies. Yeah, I can see where the name might be a problem to a certain type of prissy blue-nosed Puritan. Do they have 'em in Oz?
Hard to picture, isn't it? With all the croc's, wannabes, and didjaridoos on the loose. If the other deb was ever to show up, we could find out? Somehow Puritans and Ozzies sound a discord.
The term Puritan brings to mind a Bostonian, particularly one who migrates to the Sandwich Isles to convert the hula dancers.
The term Puritan brings to mind a Bostonian, particularly one who migrates to the Sandwich Isles to convert the hula dancers.
Yup, that's how it all started. Yankee preachers coming here to spread he Gospel according to John Elliot, apostle to the so-called Indians. 1820 that was, I remember it well. Every one of 'em descended from Mayflower stock (or so they mostly claimed). The hula was outlawed, fetching maidens were told to cover up their upper torsos and the Shamrock was forbid by law to grow in Irish ground.
Or was that a different but equally disastrous invasion I'm after thinkin' here?
Yes, true enough. But I understand there's a new breed of Bostonians on the islands today. Such that are not opposed to knocking back pineapple juice laced with Samuel Adams or Blackjack Daniels.
I can almost visualize that sort of neo-Beantown ex-pat. A guy in a big flowery shirt, baggy drawers and shower clogs, who spends his days swilling at a beachfront tiki bar providing free wifi. Perhaps he sits there dispatching the odd post to A2K on the pretext of transacting serious internet business, but all the while stealing peeks at the hoochie-coochie show in the backroom.
Who knows but what it's thanks to him this thread didn't drop off the twig long ago. Something to ponder in an idle moment, of which we now seem to have ample supply.