Today I had complicated dreams that I woke up from rem immediately trying to memorize. Not because I am for memorizing dreams, just interest. Not horrible, but serious, serious.
Visualizing dreams doesn't amaze me, a flash of identifying gone in fractions of a second - what does is our dream evaporation power. Biochem, no doubt.
I tend to revisit past dreams, at least at the scene, so with luck I'll remember what the problem was, working something out. But then I won't be able to tell you.
Of course it was, I was confused myself. It was perfectly clear for about ten waning seconds but then I lost it, that REM dream all so involving and specific.
I've been through this before, y'know, no spring chicken - great dream fading to dust on wakeup. So, now I'm interested in the physiology of dream shut off.
Let me know when I get the Nobel..
0 Replies
Tue 13 Dec, 2011 03:33 am
Mmmm so you have to have the answer there, Osso, what did that mean? Oh I found it, that's it, oh shirt, I woke up, I can't remember anymore...
Oh wait, I know, it gave me the answer to end this thread, shirt, what was it again?
0 Replies
Tue 13 Dec, 2011 03:34 am
that is so clever, I wonder how successful it is in sales?
I am thinking of another Forum, I could actually start this thread and do exactly that, on the wrong Forum:)
0 Replies
Tue 13 Dec, 2011 04:32 am
Found, I think.
Dreams were less memorable today. I do not know if they involved toll plazas. If they had involved cookies, I would've been less likely to forget quite so quickly.
Plaza though reminds me of shopping for lots of clothes, shoes, maybe therefore the shoes could be thrown at the computer and then you would win, in closing the thread at least from your end...