Ah, I thought you meant you were taking the vow of celibacy to remain in this thread.
I hope you don't mind if I tell Setanta your recommendation, Intrepid.
He'll be looking for you later.
You might think of investing in some Kevlar undergarments.
ehBeth wrote:I hope you don't mind if I tell Setanta your recommendation, Intrepid.
He'll be looking for you later.
You might think of investing in some Kevlar undergarments.
Nah, I don't mind. However, I see that it is you who have entered this thread and not him.
Not to worry. Me and Superman share one thing. Balls of steel.
Ooh, you have implants, eh? Kinky.
Intrepid said something about a monkey on a pussy.
No one is paying attention!!!
Some people are too poor to pay attention
For that monkey comment, I gave my last two cents.
Did you sign the vow of celibacy to enter this thread?
I can. It should only cover a year or so, though. Then, who knows what I may do!
No need to be so drastic. Only until you stop posting in this thread.
<Gus stops in just long enough to leave twenty dollars to go towards lashenhofer's education>
Thank God! He can get in Brother Stew's College of Flower Design now!!
I'm working on a drawing of a cat and a rabbit at the altar in a cathedral, the rabbit looking jaunty and innocent with his paws on the reclining cat's back, and the cat looking delicate, beautiful, and wicked, with her paws on a bouquet of flowers. The rabbit's friends and relations are on one side in the background looking pissy as only rabbits can, and on the other side are Miss Kitty's invitees, heavily outnumbering the bunnies and looking hungry and sly. I shall call it "It'll Never Work."
I think it's inspired by your lagomorphcentric anti-cat comments, I'm not sure...It's turning out lovely, though, and it makes me think of you fondly...
I like cats a lot.
I only eschew dumb cats.
But, draw away.
ogod, cats and lego figures, this thread will go on and on forever.
That reminds me of a song:
"On a clear day, you can see forever......................."
(You can fill in with your own interpretation of my "stunning" alto voice!)
Talking of cats and lego...

May I show you the way out?