Region Philbis wrote:wrabbit wrote:I'm about to die......western facing office, 104 F, top floor......and (after years of complaints) they finally checked our air conditioners, discovered they are filthy, and belching out decayed insulation substances into our offices, and we are forbidden to use them.
Replacement time? Two months if we're lucky.
It's 90 F in my office as we speak.
They provided fans, but we can't put them together without proper tools, which we don't generally bring to work. Some guy is allegedly coming sometime to put them together (I'll bring MY tools tomorrow).
hottest part of summer still to come.
that is cruel+unusual...
(i don't think i ever really noticed that 'unusual' has 3 u's in it before... cool.)
so as a sign of protest against wabbit's workplace i think the least we can do (as a
community) is to

your silence = affirmation
anyone who posts below me might as well be having wabbit stew for din-din tonight...
Don't be widiculous.
100 and something today.......but I'll be spending a good part of my day seeing people across the road...where the airconditioning hasn't been condemned. Goddess help the people who spend most of their days in their offices writing reports.....
Gotta love employers........refused to take complaints seriously for some people have been breathing this **** in for years longer than I have........(downstairs, where the bosses are, a lot of the units are new and fine to use)....but, if we take a risk, and use the bloody things during the really hot spells, and it turns out to give us some dread disease, we'll not be able to claim anything if we ignore the directive to swelter!!!
Aargh......I understand the budget problems though......the whole hospital is slowly decaying. A whole ward only got fixed up after members of the public took pictures of the state of things, and gave the pictures to the media.
It's airconditioning, or staff. Whatchew gonna choose when you don't have remotely the staff you need,?
Hehehehe....I'lll be stewed wabbit tonight, after all!
We have folk threatening to come to work in bikinis!!!!
I was doing paperwork yesterday, and I only didn't go to undies (in my office) because the fan fella was supposed to come. (He didn't.)