Region Philbis wrote:
Quote:Not too obscure for me.
Impressed? Of course. But surprised? Why?
didn't have you pegged for a baseball fan of that caliber
Reg thinks it's only us cretins who know these things. Not classy lassies like yerself, Boid.
Uh huh. (Thanks for the kind words, pd.)
Mr. Philbis, If there's even the remotest possibility that you're surprised because goils don't know nuttin' about baseball, you're in deep doodoo. My antennae are up. I'm sniffing the air for the scent of sexism.
Now I'm gonna watch you wriggle out of this. Wriggling is easy for single-celled entities.
Waiting for the wriggling to begin.
He's multicellular now, so it'll be trickier.
And he has really long legs...this could be very tough.
I'll have him post photos.
A sexist and dishonest:
Region Philbis wrote:
my next avatar
Well, at least he's got a skeleton again, even if it is on the outside.
Roberta wrote:A sexist and dishonest:
Region Philbis wrote:
my next avatar
Well, at least he's got a skeleton again, even if it is on the outside.
He'll be a gibbering gibbon, if he becomes a gibbon, with Boida on the boil.
so today's my first day back to work after the break.
i realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly didn't need this today...
You can't possibly believe that I would be sympathetic. I don't care how many l's you put in really.
I'm pissed.
And very disappointed
I, on the other hand, am appointed..
Region Philbis wrote:so today's my first day back to work after the break.
i realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly didn't need this today...
The tears are raining down on my typing paws........
Wanna shoot Superman?????
Shoot Superman
It's fun!!!
Region Philbis wrote:
got him
Yaah...but what was your score?????
i forget exactly, but it was middling over-all...
you say lie.
i prefer "alternate truth"...
Region Philbis wrote:you say lie.
i prefer "alternate truth"...
How about "differently truthful"? Sounds very PC to me.