I know boring doesn't work to close this thread, but I'd like to try
really boring and I know it can't be about talking weather conditions because there are already three other vastly active threads concerning just that so I thinking of either constructing overly long and pathetically dull sentences or relating a particularly dull personal story which has a tangential weather related angle? Which?
Personal Story.
(Sorry, the votes are in)
I had a
Who's on First moment yesterday morning. A woman called me at the store in a panic. It seems her dog had just peed on the rug and some realtors were scheduled to arrive to see her apartment that afternoon. We sell a product that is made for just that purpose -taking bad odors out of carpets- in fact, it is called OUT!
(Note: this is the second time in four or five days I've mentioned this product on A2K, but I am not a stockholder of the producing company. I just answer questions here.)
So, I go and make sure we have a bottle or two and come back to the phone.
Me: We have the product you need, it's called OUT!
Woman: You're out? Where can I get some?
Me: No, we have it, it's OUT! The na-
Woman: I need it right away. What's it called?
Me: Um.
Woman: Hello??
Me: OUT! It's called OUT! We have ..
Woman: I thought you said you were out.
Me: No, it's OUT!, I have a bottle of
it in my hand.
Woman: It? It's called it?
I got her to come down to the store.
It's frigid in New York these days, about 15 degrees F and lower wind chills. She was in her mid-thirties, wild-haired and wearing a long-sleeved tee-shirt, sweatpants and -I swear- flipflops. She flew in through the doorway and began, at the top of her voice, asking everyone in sight for me. As soon as I heard the commotion I reached for the two bottles of OUT! I had stashed under the counter. She bought them and was back out in the freezing cold in less than forty-five seconds.
I hope she sold the place.
Joe(I fear for the dog's life)Nation