Ah, he don't know nothing.
And I be speaking to the rabbit, not the mind behind the rabbit. And the rabbit is quite cocksure (if I may wax aviamorphic).
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
patiodog wrote:Ah, he don't know nothing.
And I be speaking to the rabbit, not the mind behind the rabbit. And the rabbit is quite cocksure (if I may wax aviamorphic).
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
Hmmm...interesting.....so you think the origins of "cocksure" lie with our feathered, rather than our fleshly, friends?
The fleshy is named for the feathery, is it not? And I associate "cocksure" with "proud as a peacock."
And I certainly don't mean to suggest that sureness is a necessarily positive trait. All cocks may be sure, but roosters are only slightly surpassed in their fundamental stupidity by dead trees and penises, I think.
patiodog wrote:The fleshy is named for the feathery, is it not? And I associate "cocksure" with "proud as a peacock."
And I certainly don't mean to suggest that sureness is a necessarily positive trait. All cocks may be sure, but roosters are only slightly surpassed in their fundamental stupidity by dead trees and penises, I think.
The smaller the cock, the surer it is.
Where do you place LIVE trees in this equation?
Surely more intelligent than poultry. Consider the measured reserve of an old Douglas fir (or an old gum of soe sort, if you need to): surely this is indicative of a degree of internal reflection and rumination quite beyond cockish cluckery.
patiodog wrote:Surely more intelligent than poultry. Consider the measured reserve of an old Douglas fir (or an old gum of soe sort, if you need to): surely this is indicative of a degree of internal reflection and rumination quite beyond cockish cluckery.
And yet much cockish stuff happens at the branch tips come spring....and the tree ceaselessly competes with other vegetables for space and light and air....
Methinks you mistake slow motion for reserve.
Not at all. The slow motion is an ingenious strategem for survival borne of great wisdom.
By inuring itself against the fleeting temptations of daily living -- by quite literally hardening its core against the world, only interacting with it as necessary at its upper and lower extremities -- the tree ensures long survival (a prerequisite for serious pursuit of the intellectual arts). The tree serves not only as an ecological touchstone for all creatures great and small (to crib from some limey), but also as a reminder to ourselves of the fleeting nature of our own daily travails. The tree stands above us in stature and in time, observes us without concerning itself with us, and occasionally, in its more tender moments, allows itself to be chopped down for the necessary production of firewood, houses, and tabloids.
patiodog wrote:Not at all. The slow motion is an ingenious strategem for survival borne of great wisdom.
By inuring itself against the fleeting temptations of daily living -- by quite literally hardening its core against the world, only interacting with it as necessary at its upper and lower extremities -- the tree ensures long survival (a prerequisite for serious pursuit of the intellectual arts). The tree serves not only as an ecological touchstone for all creatures great and small (to crib from some limey), but also as a reminder to ourselves of the fleeting nature of our own daily travails. The tree stands above us in stature and in time, observes us without concerning itself with us, and occasionally, in its more tender moments, allows itself to be chopped down for the necessary production of firewood, houses, and tabloids.
Hmm...I wonder if the tree perceives its survival as long?
"For too fleeting a time does the sap run through my xylum," quoth the dying elm.
How're you doing this (afternoon?), rabbit?
patiodog wrote:How're you doing this (afternoon?), rabbit?
It's morning, and I am supposed to be at work.
Sigh......so I had so better get off my furry rump and get there!
Dangit, this thread's getting too intuhleckshul.
Here, Patiodoggie. Have a hanky. You need to wipe your snout.
jespah wrote:Dangit, this thread's getting too intuhleckshul.
What's wrong with a bit of the intellekshul, dangnabbit?
Last week I didn't even noe how to spell intellkshul and now I are one.
You are one.
You intellek shell.
WOW!!! Is this thread still going?
Kehoe wrote:WOW!!! Is this thread still going?
its going to hell in a hand-basket, is where its going...