How about a lavender and rose scented silk hanky taken from the body of a dead thread?
What the hell is this thread all about?
(do not pass go... do not collect $200)
I did, that's why I posted!
Well, you ain't gettin the 200 buck unless you are successful in ending this thread.
Worth a try though. :wink:
Good luck, Three P. We've been trying to kill this mangy critter of a thread for a long, long time now. No luck so far. Coupl'a close calls, but. . .
Don't thank him. It'll go to his head and he will find a way to be the one to end this thread.
NO no, I started this monster, so I shall be the one to end it. Besides like the thread says, only I have the power to end it . SO it shall be done!
C'mon crayon851. End the thread. I dare ya.
Joe Nation wrote:Okay. Go ahead.
Heeheehee. <chuckle. snork. wheeze>
Just got somethin' caught in my throat, Intrepid. And my eyes are watering somethin' fierce. But I'm OK, thanks.
I agree that Crayon should be the one to end the thread. But NOW? When it's really gotten going?
Pssst, Crayon, what color are you? Not Prussian Blue by any chance? or...
I always picture Crayon as something like a nice Burnt Umber.
I was thinking indigo myself
I refuse to participate in this thread anymore. It died a long time ago. Resucitation efforts have been futile.