Amoeba have no power to end threads.
mayhap we can, mayhap we can't.
we can, however, sit comfortably on the end of a thread...
no joe, that's waxed floss.
we slide right off.
good thing i got gripping appendages with opposable proto-thumbs.
otherwise its right down the bathroom drain...
Well, that where you came up from so it would be kind of a homecoming.
Joe(goodnight, is it morning already?)Nation
that's a low blow, joe... no?
Joe(Though know joe sows blows no mo)Nation
That picture is scaring me. You sure that's a handshake? It looks like the start of an arm wrestling competition.
I got him beat. I work out.
Damned amoeba didn't bite!
No teeth I suppose...
No balls either for that matter.
you shouldn't have said that...
Evidently, crayon851 abandoned this thread months ago, and not long thereafter abandoned A2K alltogether. Whether or not anyone "Has the power to end a thread", it appears something has ended crayon's participation on these boards, this thread far outlasting the presence here of the author of its opening post, a presence last established in early April.
Anyone wanna make odds on the probability and timing of this thread surpassing the 5000 Post milestone?
I'll start cooking for the big 5000 post celebration right now. Last time I forgot and we had no cake and it was just wrong.
Yippeee!!! A party, a party!
I think we're all being very cilium here. (Never could spell worth a damn.)