Oh! A "doona" is what we call a comforter! Now I understand!
(You can stop trying to be helpful now, Joe.

<whispers> "Okay, now what's a 'Dyson'?"
Eva wrote:Oh! A "doona" is what we call a comforter! Now I understand!
(You can stop trying to be helpful now, Joe.

<whispers> "Okay, now what's a 'Dyson'?"
[size=7]<pst, Eva. I think -- but I'm not sure -- that it's what the Poms call a Hoover and we refer to as a vacuum. Now, you're supposed to ask "What's a Pom?">[/size]
Merry Andrew wrote:Eva wrote:Oh! A "doona" is what we call a comforter! Now I understand!
(You can stop trying to be helpful now, Joe.

<whispers> "Okay, now what's a 'Dyson'?"
<pst, Eva. I think -- but I'm not sure -- that it's what the Poms call a Hoover and we refer to as a vacuum. Now, you're supposed to ask "What's a Pom?">
You're just trying to drive me crazy, aren't you?
No, really, Deb, I'm not.
But, is it working? :wink:
psst, Eva, you forgot to whisper that.
A pom
A person of means.
A toff
A posh
a bit of the upper crust
Joe(I could be wrong)Nation
In Strine, it's any Englishman, so I'm told.
Yeah, it's used here to mean Englishmen.
"Person of means"...okay, got it. Thanks, Joe!
So, what would that make one who is called a pom pom?
A poodle, or two Pomeranians having sex.
Wouldn't that be grey poopom?
That's pompomstreous!
Joe(you impomster!)Nation
You make such poetic polylogue, Joe(I'm not glad to see you, that's my pom pom)Nation
This is getting ridiculous. Can we please go back to speaking English...or American...or Canadian...or even (shudder) Australian?
Okay, ay. Would ya be after like talkin the Queen's English widout de slang an stuff, eh.
Eva wrote:This is getting ridiculous. Can we please go back to speaking English...or American...or Canadian...or even (shudder) Australian?
What's with the shuddering, fish lady?
Nothing, rude bunny.
I've just been having a bit of trouble understanding some of your language lately. Hadn't you noticed?