You up for a game of chess, Joe?
Oh wait. <squinting> There aren't enough squares.
It's a checkered flag.
King's Pawn to Kings Four
There aren't enough squares for pawns anyway, so let's leave 'em out. It'll speed up the game.
(I taught myself how to play chess out of the World Book Encyclopedia when I was 12...can you tell?

I've lost some weight, but I'm still more rounded than square, so I can't help in your search for squares.
There were days on end at the listening posts when nothing happened for hours and hours. (I was authorized by I. Lewis Libbey to reveal this formerly classified information.)
When we got really bored we would play the game we called All Queens. The only pieces with their regular powers were the king and the pawns, everything else was a Queen. That was a fast game. You had to keep cover behind one of your own pawns or you were dead from so many directions.
We also had a game called Queens and Cushions where the 'Queens' could not only attack on the files and diagonals but THEY COULD BOUNCE OFF the edge of the board. Ricochet right around your pawn line. That was fun, it was near impossible to defend yourself. Think seven pieces without borders. Oh, and no limit on the number of cushions. You could take your knight, go one space diagonally to the edge, then down the other diagonal to the other side of the board, bounce over the far edge and proceed to smack other guy's advanced bishop FROM BEHIND.
The code guys and people who played pool were great at Queens and Cushions..
Then we went back to playing chess the classical way.
Maybe that's the reason I suck at it.
Joe Nation
PS This thread is now closed. Please go away.
Joe- Would you explain this to me? I didn't quite get the drift of what you are saying!
It's very simple, Phoenix, when men get tired of ....
wait a minute, you're just trying to get me to post something on this closed thread!!!
Of all the nerve.
Joe(this thread is over)Nation
<Y A W N>
What's happening?
Is there anything to eat in here? I want some of Bear's "You're doing a great job" brownies (god, that was funny).
J_B - I think that I missed that. Could you give me the "Reader's Digest" version?
It was a one-liner on Dag's environment disaster party theme thread.
It's simply perfect!
J_B is right, it was high-larious!!! I'm still laughing about it, too!
Check out Dag's Environmental Disaster Party thread, Phoenix.
Interesting way to play chess, Joe. I love bending the rules to add a bit of chaos.
Oh, sorry. I forgot this thread is closed.
it is closed?
sheesh.. i always miss the fun
Did I leave the brownie pan in here?
The thread is listing badly to port and taking on water. The last lifeboats have left.
A few of us are gathered on deck...waiting for the inevitable.
The band is playing "Nearer My Dog To Thee..."
I found the brownie pan. Who wants the last one?
I am going out tonight, anyone wanna send me some outfits ideas?
This is about being closed not clothed.
Ask for the brownie pan and they bring out the muffin pan!
Where is the freakin' brownie pan?