holy schmokes, that image has thread-killer written all over it...
Kinda hard to keep the breakfast down, ain't it.
Oh, BTW.....
Ah, good, you hadn't eaten yet. Is that just for you or can anybody help themselves. A hearty nutritious bowl of stuff before ending the thread.
ehBeth wrote:Joe Nation wrote:Wait.
this self portrait?
I'm confused.
Joe(but happy)Nation
din't ya hear I was headin' off to bellydance academy?
boom chicka boom chicka boom boom boom
[ no, that's the music for tassel trick class. now I'm confused ]
Tassel trick class.
That'll be a stopper all right.
Er...yes...belly dancing....but, Betheeeeeeeeee, dem ain't bellies.
Belly dancing is so NOT the hula.
that thar belly be a-dancin'...

I don't think that's going to end the thread!
all the girls in france
do the hula hula dance
Can't let an incomplete statement close the thread.
Dammit. I am back from Chicago, and this thread isn't dead yet. I thought I told y'all to take care of this.
Oh, how sweet.
Baby piggies and baby boob implants.
Spring is so wonderful.