Thanks everyone!
MsO, all good advice. I am getting good at prioritizing, but sometimes the small stuff gets left too long (how I ended up in my current financial pickle).
Of course, k, procrastination (over the small and the big stuff!) is a totally unfamiliar concept to me! :wink:
Does anyone not procrastinate?
I'm certain there are some very organized folk here, who don't, k. For example .......
msolga wrote:I'm certain there are some very organized folk here, who don't, k. For example .......

I've bean gonna clean the patio for the past 3 weeks but some days it's cloudy and on the other days I take a nap (sloth is my middle name)
littlek wrote:Does anyone not procrastinate?
I'll get back to ya on that....
Strangely enough, I rarely procrastinate professionally, but
at home - Mama mia, I can push things around for months on end.
Transitions are complicated.
I'm starting a Major Ommmmmm to encourage all your potential supervisor teachers to stop procrastinating and make bids for your Intern Time.
Hold your dominion.
I've got some good friends.
Thanks again everyone.
I just got my science class results - A+. I had adjectives like brilliant and excellent written on my lessons (the ones I had to do alone).
So. The elementary school I now work in has a public preschool on site. I am in there often (this is why I'm always sick?). There are two adorable, dimple-cheeked, big brown-eyed identical twins in one of these preschool classrooms. They are both tiny and fragile, one more so than the other. And they are hilarious!
I have told stories, here or elsewhere on a2k, about them. One of them refused to believe all of the evidence that the teachers had laid out indicating that there had been a leprechaun in the classroom over night (on St. Paddy's Day). There were tiny green foot prints, green glitter and shamrock confetti all over the classroom. He flat out refused to believe it, though he did give the idea much thought.
The other, on my first day in that classroom, kept winking and nodding at me. Then he leaned over, cupped his mouth, and whispered that some day he'd have a motorcycle and did I want to go for a ride with him on it?
Where do these kids get this? They're 5 years old!
The last time I was in the classroom, I was sitting next to one of the twins. I was wearing an elbow-length t-shirt as I often do. I choose elbow-length to cover my tattoo. I am very careful about keeping it under wraps. I have had it exposed when out and about in that town, but not often and I am pretty sure I never saw those guys outside of school. Maybe they saw me. The one I was sitting next to looked at me and said, "There's a tattoo under there!" and started to lift my sleeve. I said no. he said yes. I said how did he know? And he said he just did. I got firm and told him to stop. he did.
How did he know? He was so sure of it.
littlek wrote:Does anyone not procrastinate?
I'll tell you when I get round to it.
littlek wrote:I just got my science class results - A+. I had adjectives like brilliant and excellent written on my lessons (the ones I had to do alone).
Great results!
littlek wrote:How did he know? He was so sure of it.
Ferking leprechaun told him.
George wrote:littlek wrote:...The one I was sitting next to looked at me and said, "There's a tattoo under there!" and started to lift my sleeve. I said no. he said yes. I said how did he know? And he said he just did. I got firm and told him to stop. he did.
How did he know? He was so sure of it.
He's on A2K.
Great marks littlek -- way to go!
Hard work: Great Marks.
I'm guessing that your kid has sharp eyes rather than ESP. Remember kids concentrate on the damnest things.
Hooray on the marks AND the comments!
Sharp eyes - shadow of the tat through the fabric at some point.
That's wonderful!!! Congratulations!
Well done, littlek!
Watch out -- little boys grow up quickly. You'll be having a biker looking to give you a ride on his motorcycle in no time (cute, very cute).