Wed 23 Apr, 2003 04:28 pm
I hope this doesn't offend anyone. I thought it was right cute. Love to ALL SENIORS
I cannot see,
I cannot pee,
I cannot chew,
I cannot screw,
Oh, my God, what can I do?
My memory shrinks,
My hearing stinks,
No sense of smell,
I look like hell,
My mood is bad -- can't you tell?
My body's drooping,
Have trouble pooping,
The Golden Years have come at last,
The Golden Years can kiss my ass.
not there yet, thank gosh!
My leg is gimpy,
pecker's limpy
handshakes getting weak and wimpy
All that I can eat is soup,
I need a pill so I can poop
My friends all say I'm getting wacky,
I do not like this, my friend Jackie
I cannot run, or play or dance,
oops! Gotta go, just **** my pants.
Your little rhyme is good, cavfancier
And I am NOT quite there yet either, bigdice
(hi, misti, tis funny isn't it? but not to the seniors, I am SURE.)
I thought mine was humorous until I read bi-polar's (side splitting)!