The facts are that in no way does the US press any sovereign claim to The Northwest Passage; the US and the general Maritime Community position is that the waters constitute an international shipping route. There is no "Concrete Agreement" simply because Canada refuses to formally acknowledge that her sovereignty in the region applies to the coastal and island land masses (which no one disputes), but not to the navigable waters *which only Canada disputes). From your Mr. Bryers, as quoted in your above post: "
... The United States and others insist that while the islands belong to Canada, they are surrounded by international waters ... " Any problem there is Canada's, is of Canada's own making, and is of no consequence to the rest of the world.
pachelbel wrote: ... Yes, the very typical threat that Canada must help with US security, then the US 'may be willing' to recognize Canada's claims to the NW Passage.
No such threat or assertion exists other than in the fevered imaginations of those given to such foolishness. As far as Canadian sovergnity goes, just about a year ago,
Canada Effectively Relenquished soveriegnty of her own airspace.
Quote: PLEASE! Quit using the excuse of terrorism to threaten countries into compliance! It's getting to be quite an old ruse and by now even you Americans must see that.
What I, and many Americans, see is that the leftist America-Worst Bushophobia long since has staled and grown tiresome - though it is amusing in its futility.
Quote:We will not be dictated to by Americans.
You've got that a bit backwards; The US will be dictated to by no one.
Quote: And, what's more, Canadians know WHERE the NW Passage actually is.
I imagine most Americans don't, though personally I've actually been to Frobisher Bay - now called Iqaluit

- capital of Nunavit, since 1999 Canada's newest territory - a couple times.
Baffin Island is a pretty neat place.
Quote:The arrogance of America is appalling.
What some perceive to be arrogance others perceive to be evidenced competence and achievement. Them what can do, and them what can't but wish they could generally are jealous of them what can and do.
Quote:It takes quite a bit of bad foreign policy to piss of Canada, but you guys did it! Congrats!
Sorta small cheer for small potatoes - a nothing kudos for a non-accomplishment. I suppose, though, there's some cheer to be had knowing some folks have been pissed off by US foreign policy, and even more knowing Canada's liberals are among the impotently pissed off; foreign policy is not intended to please a nation's enemies. I imagine that Canada's liberals now have even greater empathy with their futiley tail-chasing American counterparts, the Democrats.
Oh, and thinking of Nunavut, Canada's newest Territory - I think its appropriate it came into being as a distinct political subdivision on April Fool's Day.
Hows that for arrogance?