Thu 26 Jan, 2006 01:07 pm
Someone I love (my mom) has tried everything to stop smoking and I fear that they have given up on giving up.
She insists she REALLY wants to and I do believe she has REALLY tried.
One thing she hasn't tried is hypnotherapy.
Has anyone tried this?
Did it work?
Tell me all about it.
To a man (person) they all began to assume the role of trained psychotherapist. None of them were.
Do you mean they were trying to analysis of things other than smoking?
Un huh, and I invited them out of my life and out of my mind.
I think the older you are the tougher it is to quit. I do have a friend who finally quit after 20 years of smoking by using Ziban (sp?). She was also motivated by the fact her 48 year old sister (also a smoker) was diagnosed with lung cancer.
Hi, speaking about sleepy I have something to say, but I'm afraid it's not
kind of related to the topic. Can lower blood pressure make a person
want to sleep more?!