None of the above. Because I like lively conversation, too, but primarily because I'm trying to understand why we're going down the tubes. Which, yes, I think we are.
I blame hummus. (Oh, but I love it so!)
Generally I find that most Americans don't want to go near their responsibility for political outcomes. So hubris, yes. And there's more to it...
Those Hummus are all terrorists...I blame them too.
cav- Did you say that hummus was made by terrorists? Quick............ call Homeland Security. Confiscate all the hummus, and interrogate all the hummus eaters. there's foul play afoot!
Hummus produces a paralyzing gas in some people.
Better add baba ganouj and falafel to that list, Phoenix. Don't want anyone slipping through...
Fowl play with your hummus ? ! ? ! ?
Chicken in yer chick peas ?
That's a flocking terrible pun, you cock-proud mutt you.
Tzatziki what they're doing over there ?
I'm not into chick pees, though some apparently find it hot....
How you find it depends on how fresh it is.
True, it is definitely hotter when fresh.