The friendly fire article I refered to above is:
Shrader, Charles R. "Friendly Fire: The Inevitable Price." Autumn 1992. pp. 29-44
A bit earlier than I remembered. Shrader cites other studies of friendly fire, most of which as I recall were not classified. Unfortunately, Parameters didn't start making its articles available on-line until after 1995. To read the article you would have to find a hard copy of Shrader's study. When we moved to New Mexico, I dumped archive of Parameters (and a couple other periodicals I think highly of), so I no longer have a copy at hand.
one of the worst things about moving, right ?
friendly fire is a sad reality of warfare. i don't think it's real helpful for the media to talk about it much.
i cannot believe i said that.
Nothing good can come of the media accusing the military of not preventing the inevitable.
Friendly fire fatilities are a fact of warfare. Not much use in the papers makeing a big thing of it. But what I resent is the military trying to use a friendly fire incident to make a hero of a man who dident need this type of storey writen about him. The fact that he was willing to go to Iraq in the military (unlike many in the present administration in previous wars) showed that he had courage. The military used a good man in a bad way.