Exactly Why Don't You Believe In the God of the Bible?

Doktor S
Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2006 06:20 pm

1 entry found for luthern.


\Lu"thern\, n. [F. lucarne a dormer, dormer window, garret window, L. lucerna lamp, fr. lucere to be light or clear, fr. lux light. See Light, n., and cf. Lucarne.] (Arch.) A dormer window. See Dormer.

*scratches head*
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2006 06:35 pm
Have only read up to page 8 or so, I'll continue the rest later....

For Brandon....I would like some evidence from you in the form of telling me specifically what would have to happen that would be evidence to you that God exists.
I'm definitley not one of those who would say to an atheist, "well, I could give you evidence, but you wouldn't except it anyway."
I heard a lot of atheists bring up the "give me evidence" clause, but then leave others in the dark as to what that would be.
To me, that's sounds very "I'll know it when I see it", and not very scientific. Maybe no one could ever come up with the evidence you ask for, but at least they would know what it is, so if they ever come across it, they could show it to you.

The "God doesn't exist because he couldn't" to me sounds as simplistic as anything.

I tend to have a very rational bent, and am very pragmatic. However, I also realize some things you just have to take on faith.

I'm sitting at the keyboard right now, and my husband said to me 1/2 hour ago "I'm going to Home Depot, then I'll bring home something for us to eat, see ya in an hour or so".

How do I know he isn't having sex with another woman right now? I have no evidence he isn't. I just have to take that on faith, and trust.

Please give me an example Brandon.

Momma Angel wrote:
Very good point. What if it has been translated so horribly wrong? What if what we take as literal isn't meant to be? This is something that really gives me pause. What if we are so far off the mark we have lost the real message? Maybe this is what the faith part is all about? Believing there is a deep message there and accepting that it is there, whether it's been distorted or not? Will God understand that? Will He make allowances for that? I still have lots of questions, myself Questioner.

Now this is where my rational side emerges. I believe if you are stopping for even one moment questioning something, you need to embrace it and explore it.

I believe taking something as literal without questioning it is terribly terribly wrong.
The reason? When a group of people on the whole decide that something is to be taken literally, and a minority doesn't, the minority will be persecuted until they are either destroyed or forced to comply. Hegemony.

If a group has guidelines, stories that give guidance and metaphors that help them all understand a way of like, all will have a feeling of assurance that although all their individual beliefs would obviously differ, they all can view it in their individual way.

Do I believe in the literal Bible? Absolutely not.

Do I believe in the God of the bible? I believe he is the interpretation of what some people wanted everyone else to believe is God.

Man lies.

That is a plain and simple fact of life. Man lies.

There has never been a time in human existance where man has not changed a word, a sentence, a whole event around to support his own agenda.

I believe that is what the bible is.

I am open to the possibility, perhaps even more than open, that the Bible was originally written by some well intended people who were inspired by something they chose to call God.

Since man lies, I am sure that no sooner was it written down than someone started fiddling with it.

For instance, the God of Exodus (and please, I'm paraphrasing, I'm no bible scholar) was downright, childish.

First, he's going to save you. He promises he's going to save you.
Then, he's going to destroy you.
Then someone reminds him of his promise. As if God would need to be reminded of his promise.

It continues back and forth like that.
To me, it so clearly resembles a parent, who, trying to get their child to behave, tells them the bogeyman will get them if they don't stop.

Maybe out in the desert, some of the people decided they didn't want to continue.....Knowing most of the group couldn't read, old Moeshe decides to tell them that it's written right here (pointing at piece of animal skin) that God will destroy them unless they tighten up and fly right.

OK, we'll stay. A short time later. Oh look, Moeshe sez, all is forgiven, see here (pointing at next animal skin)

Moeshe even goes so far as to actually write it down at some point.

Those who believe the would was literally created the way it says in the bible sometimes say the alternative, evolution just is so unlikely, the chances are just too small everything could have come to the point we are at this very moment.

Oh ye of little faith. Are you saying God isn't capable of creating the world in exactly this way?

For those who say with God all things are possible, then you need to be open to this possibility.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2006 06:52 pm
Exactly Why do you not believe in the God of the Bible?

Good choice of question, Momma. I decided to respond myself before reading through everyone elses responses. I'll read through next. Could be very interesting and instructive.

Here's my answer:

Because the bible is a book made up of words. No book can show me the experience of actually eating an apple. The sweetness, the texture. It can only describe and try to point the way.

How could a book show me the experience of God?
I don't think it can.

I can entertain the concept of the Bible of God. Words coming from the source, the God, whatever. Kids do it all the time, pigs snort it.

I just think I can know "God' much better by direct experience.

I won't worship another man's (collective) experience of God.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2006 07:28 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
Momma Angel wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
Momma Angel wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
Why would I believe in him? Is there some evidence he exists which isn't easily susceptible to more mundane explanations???


Thank you for answering. So, you feel you require proof that God exists. Can you pinpoint exactly what it is in you that makes you want the proof?

I don't need absolute proof, but a little evidence would be nice. Why would I believe something with no evidence that it's true? That's not likely to lead to correct conclusions.


So, would you say it is a matter of not wanting to be wrong? Is it a matter of putting faith into something and then being let down in case it wasn't true?

It's a matter of not believing things are true if there's no reason to believe that they're true.
Greetings All,

Just these few thoughts in passing. Firstly, finite beings, (humans) are unable to fully grasp, comprehend, or encompass an infinite being, (God). Furthermore, the Bible is a close book. It is written to believers, not unbelievers. That is why many people are unable to understand it. The Bible is a supernatural writing, not in a spooky sense, which is revealed only to those that claim faith already. For those who have no faith and desire to believe, ask, "Lord help my unbelief." The God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob will answer. He will help your unbelief. For physical proof of God existences check out Psalms 19 verses 1 through 6. This Psalm attest to his presence. God Bless.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2006 07:46 pm
bienpensant wrote:
... the Bible is a close book. It is written to believers, not unbelievers. That is why many people are unable to understand it. The Bible is a supernatural writing, not in a spooky sense, which is revealed only to those that claim faith already.... For physical proof of God existences check out Psalms 19 verses 1 through 6. This Psalm attest to his presence. God Bless.


This is a perfect example of the circular notion of the Bible having authority because it says so.
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Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2006 07:54 pm
Hello Friend,

Read the Psalm first, then test it. Don't close yourself off to finite human logic and reasoning. It your choice.

God Bless
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2006 07:55 pm
No joke.

"You don't understand bc you don't agree, you don't agree bc you don't understand".
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2006 08:01 pm
bienpensant wrote:
Hello Friend,

Read the Psalm first, then test it. Don't close yourself off to finite human logic and reasoning. It your choice.

God Bless

I did read it, then I saw that it was circular and did not need to test it.
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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2006 08:09 pm
Joe Nation Wrote:

Momma Angel:
You've taken on a monumental task, I see the charity in it, but this is not the choir you are preaching to, this is a bunch of people who have taken the time and effort to look at reality.

It's not the choir that can give me answers, Joe Nation. The answers I am looking for can only come from those that have either non-belief or skepticism about God. I am learning quite a bit and I have to say, I am getting a much better understanding of everyone posting. It's a bit different in that this feels like an actual conversation to me with other people. Make sense? Does to me.

You ask, not of me, but I'll answer anyway:

I want anyone that wants to answer this for me to answer! I have always thought there was a lot more to it than just wanting evidence or proof. It seems to some there is and to some there isn't. I can fully understand about us being grown ups and reality and all. Please try to understand that where I am coming from this is all a pretty new thing to me.

Momma Angel Wrote:

Why did you feel it had to be an informed decision and not a matter of faith? What causes you to make that distinction within yourself that it has to be informed and not faith?

Joe Nation Wrote:

Because, my dear, we are grownups and making informed decisions about what to base one's philosophy on is the, here comes that word again, rational, and adult, way of living.

All my life, the ones that were irrational were the ones that didn't believe in God. Now, that could be because of where I have lived, worked, etc. But the past two and a half years I have been out of the workforce and thus not really in the mainstream. I'm pretty much housebound because of my cat shelter. So, to find this forum on A2K was such a blessing to me. And yes, a time or two it felt like a curse! But, the things I am learning sometimes shock me, sometimes surprise me, but always help me. I guess what I am really trying to get down to is the exact thing in some people that makes them require that evidence or not. Is it a matter of some kind of fear? Like not wanting to be wrong? Look stupid? Those are just silly base things and I'm sure the real reasons are more than that. I believe we are all driven one way or another by our emotions, love, hate, anger, fear, etc. Do you think any of these come into play when it comes to this issue?

Faith is the scam. It's the tool of con-men and bishops alike.

I do agree there are many things out there to do with religion that are a scam. I don't believe they all are. So, again, is it what man has done with religion that has caused all this or is it God Himself?

The deity you believe in is no more real, and has shown no more evidence of being real, than Zeus or Baal or the thousands of other individual gods, demi-gods, wood sprites, hoo-doos and banshees who have inhabited the myths throughout time. Children, because they are vulnerable, can be convinced that there is something out there which is looking out for them, an angel perhaps, but there really isn't. It's, alas, all made up, a fiction. You know that, right? You just continue to believe in the irrational and the invisible.

This thread is not about proving or disproving God's existence so I am not going to ask you if you can prove that. I know you can't prove He isn't anymore than I can prove He is. No Joe, I don't know that it's all made up fiction. I really don't believe it is. So yes, I will just continue to believe in the irrational and the invisible.

Part of the promise of Christianity is that we shall known the truth at the end of time, that we can't know what is real, but that's the scam, see? We can know what is and what is not, as Dys has pointed out, as soon as we stop doubting reality by using faith in the unreal as a shield.

Put away the things of a child and you stop seeing through a glass darkly.

Although I understand what this is saying, I don't believe that's what I am doing. And, even if it was, the positive effect it has had on my life and me is well worth it.

0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2006 08:11 pm
sozobe Wrote:

Momma Angel, I think a fundamental human drive -- and part of why humans, as a species, have been successful -- is to find order in chaos. There are all kinds of studies about the human brain that indicate this tendency, and ways that we have evolved to do so. ("Chunking", for example.)

I think religion evolved very early and across the globe for that reason. Trying to impose a sense of order on what was actual random/ chaotic. It rained yesterday not because a variety of factors randomly combined to create an environment conducive to rainfall, but because the village elders put on a really great and convincing rain dance.

It's comforting to think that we have some control over the universe.

This is a very interesting concept, sozobe. But why do you suppose they came up with something that cannot be proven? To my mind, I would think they might make some person the Godhead or something and pass it down. Something that through time would not be questioned as much as the Bible and God are. But, given the primitive times and such they probably didn't think it would ever get this far? Your thoughts?
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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2006 08:14 pm
dyslexia Wrote:

"According to the definition of irrational in the dictionary, I cannot disagree with it. However, I do not agree that the word irrational should even be used in this respect. I do not agree with the connotation that the word irrational is usually associated with such as: crazy, insane, etc."

Again, we are back to the "orange" vs "reddish yellow" problem MA. the world, as we know it, operates on mutually understood language leaving you with the problem of 'Not liking" the words ergo not understanidn what is being said to you or in what you say to others. It's indeed a conundrum but MA you own your own conundrum, stop foisting it on others.

And I knew when I posted it that it still wasn't exactly what I mean. I am having the hardest time getting this in black and white. dys, I am honestly not trying to force anything on anyone. I was hoping if I gained a better understanding of those that don't believe in God I would be better able to communicate effectively with them without them feeling I was forcing anything.

This thread has been so helpful because it's been like an actual conversation and I am getting answers to things I really want to know. I do not for one minute think that any non-believer is automatically a bad person. I know better than that. But, I'm afraid sometimes I come across like I do think that and I want to avoid that.

I have had to learn that some things just are better left unresponded to and I am working on stating my case without judging, condemning, etc. So, please, bear with me just a bit longer?
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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2006 08:15 pm
J_B Wrote:


I agree with Joe and what Soz just said about the global evolution of religions. Great societies from the Greeks and Romans to the Amerindian nations believed in Gods and/or Goddesses. The human intervention of spreading one particular belief system came as part of conquering one people by another. The Spaniards brought Christianity to the New World by killing anyone who wouldn't convert. Lots of people died, lots of people converted. That doesn't make the Christian God any more real than the Hindu Gods or the Roman Gods it just means the war-making abilities of one society was stronger than another.

I accept that there is one Universal Truth and that Truth is something no human has yet determined. I accept that those who need to feel order within the chaos need to have a sense that the truth as they see it is the same Universal Truth, that they have the 'right answer' and live their lives according to that truth. However, I think the likelihood of the Christian God of the Bible representing Universal Truth is nil.

Well, I sure don't believe scaring anyone into heaven is the way to do it. I wonder how many of those conversions were real and how many were just to save their butts? Can't say that I blame them though.

One universal truth? Well, I can agree to that. I do feel that one universal truth is God. I think I would change your last sentence to be "However, I think the likelihood of the Christian God of the Bible THAT MAN INTERPRETS HIM TO BE representing universal truth is nil." The one thing I am pretty sure about is no on has the total truth. I think somewhere along the line something got left out and something else was put in there. Trouble is, how do we go back and find the real truth?
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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2006 08:38 pm
Chai Tea,

Thanx for answering Chai Tea. I am very surprised at your Man lies statement. Not that you believe that but that you said it. It doesn't seem to be something many of us like to admit. This is part of why I put as much faith in God as I do. Because man does lie and God does not.

I like it that you equate the relationship God has with Israel as that of a parent. I think that's a very good way to look at it. Trouble is, so many seem to think the Daddy was a bit strict? Do you think maybe if we had more details of all that had happened it might not seem that way? I can't wait to read more of your thoughts on this.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2006 08:43 pm
flushd Wrote:

Exactly Why do you not believe in the God of the Bible?

Good choice of question, Momma. I decided to respond myself before reading through everyone elses responses. I'll read through next. Could be very interesting and instructive.

Here's my answer:

Because the bible is a book made up of words. No book can show me the experience of actually eating an apple. The sweetness, the texture. It can only describe and try to point the way.

How could a book show me the experience of God?
I don't think it can.

I can entertain the concept of the Bible of God. Words coming from the source, the God, whatever. Kids do it all the time, pigs snort it.

I just think I can know "God' much better by direct experience.

I won't worship another man's (collective) experience of God.

Hi flushd! I'm so glad you came by and posted this. I love that first paragraph. I never looked at it that way. Do you think maybe that is what the Bible is really supposed to do for us? Describe and point the way for us to go? To find the real meaning that is mixed up in all of man's interpretations?

I have to totally agree with you on the experience part. And unfortunately, it's not something you can explain to anyone. It's something you have to experience for yourself and when you do you know it's God.

Your last statement "I won't worship......" I think you hit the nail right on the head there, flushd. I don't think that's what God wants any of us to do.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2006 08:44 pm
Momma Angel wrote:

... I guess what I am really trying to get down to is the exact thing in some people that makes them require that evidence or not. Is it a matter of some kind of fear? Like not wanting to be wrong? Look stupid? Those are just silly base things and I'm sure the real reasons are more than that. I believe we are all driven one way or another by our emotions, love, hate, anger, fear, etc. Do you think any of these come into play when it comes to this issue?

For me it's almost the opposite of what you pose. There is no fear of being wrong or looking stupid. I know of quite a few people who profess a belief in God because they are afraid not to, it's easier not to buck the trend. I find no reason to think the Christian God of the Bible represents Truth. I'm perfectly fulfilled knowing that I do not know Truth and therefore I have no need to put faith in Bible. As you know, I enjoy reading the Bible. It's a fascinating story, but there is no evidence, other than circular evidence, that it is not simply a fabulous yarn. You've stated you believe the Christian Bible to be the divine word of God. You have no reason to question that, I have no reason to accept it.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2006 08:45 pm
Momma, I'm sure you are a nice person, but you spend entirely too much time obsessing on this religious crap. Too much religion will cause a person to go insane.

Back off a little. Take a walk. Smell some flowers.

And dismiss God.

For a while anyway. You need to clear your head.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2006 08:49 pm
I don't equate the relationship of God with Israel as that of a parent.

I said that because Man lies some group of people, or even one, decided they did not like the way the people were behaving, getting ideas of their own in their heads. So, in order to stop the people for thinking for themselves, I believe they twisted word around, since the common man was probably not able to read, and had to trust that what they were told was true.

Man lies, Man wrote the bible, Man changed the words of the bible when it suited their purpose.

One who puts their trust in the bible is not putting their trust in God, they are putting their trust in the end result of Man's uncountable changes in the book over the millenium.

Ever play telephone when you were little? You couldn't get past 5 people before the original message changed.

This book written by Man would very well shock the original people who put pen to paper.

I believe a group of people with high moral standards could have written a tome every bit of good as the bible, and if that had happened, many people would have been following a derivative of it today, that still would have shocked the people who wrote it as far as what it has become.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2006 08:51 pm
bienpensant Wrote:

Greetings All,

Just these few thoughts in passing. Firstly, finite beings, (humans) are unable to fully grasp, comprehend, or encompass an infinite being, (God). Furthermore, the Bible is a close book. It is written to believers, not unbelievers. That is why many people are unable to understand it. The Bible is a supernatural writing, not in a spooky sense, which is revealed only to those that claim faith already. For those who have no faith and desire to believe, ask, "Lord help my unbelief." The God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob will answer. He will help your unbelief. For physical proof of God existences check out Psalms 19 verses 1 through 6. This Psalm attest to his presence. God Bless.


Greetings to you! I am glad you joined us. But, let me try to get you started off on a better foot than I did when I first came to A2K. There are some pretty awesome people on this forum, bienpensant. However, not all that many of them are going to be receptive to just posting scripture and not saying much else. Been there, done that. They don't accept it.

I have had to learn a bit of a different approach when conversing with them. I was still having problems understanding them very well so I started this thread. It has helped me greatly. They do frustrate me at times with the "rules of debate", etc. But, that's because I am not used to doing that. I'm more of a talk from the heart type.

If you have been following this thread, I think it will give you some pretty good insight to the posters on here. There will be those that will discount what you say, accept what you say, neither, or just discuss with you. I will tell you this though, they like the evidence!

But, all in all, they are a pretty good bunch!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2006 08:59 pm
Do you see how many times you used 'they' and 'them' in that response, Momma? There you go being separate again :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2006 09:00 pm
Momma Angel, referring to the cast of characters that lurk around A2K wrote:

But, all in all, they are a pretty good bunch

I wish you would have included the following disclaimer at the end of that sentence, Momma Angel....

"With the exception of Gustav, whom I am led to believe is the AntiChrist"
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