Momma Angel wrote:Brandon9000 Wrote:
Quote:Throughout our ordinary daily lives, we (and that includes you) use evidence incessantly to determine what is likely to be true. This is no different. It is simply stupid to believe a particular theory about the origin and structure of the universe without evidence to suggest it's so, and asking for evidence is eminently reasonable. Your claim that even if you gave us evidence, we wouldn't accept it is a cop-out. The issue never arises, since you haven't given us any evidence. What we might do is irrelevant. It's still unjustied to believe something is true without any reason to suppose it's likely to be true. If the unemployment office asks me for evidence that I've been seeking a job during the past two weeks, and I say, "Even if I gave you evidence, you wouldn't accept it," that is simply an insufficient answer. It's dumb to believe things for which there is no supporting evidence.
BTW, thanks, Setanta.
Ok, you think it is stupid to believe a particular theory about the origin..... without evidence....... So, are you saying it is just stupid to have faith? The issue of evidence of faith has arisen and what has been given was not accepted, and not without just reason, because it is not scientific evidence. That's my point. You require scientific evidence (got it right that time) and I don't. So, does that make you smarter than me? Does that make me dumber than you? I don't think so. I think it just makes us different.
Brandon, has anyone ever asked you to just trust them on something? Even something simple? Maybe the only evidence you had that you could trust them was the way they interacted with you in life previously to that? It's kind of the same way with God for me. His evidence in my life is more than enough for me to accept Him on faith.
I have a question for you. Why don't you believe that we were put here by aliens who are breeding us to someday be good servants. Why don't you believe that your husband, or son, etc. is keeping a terrible secret from you? Why don't you believe any number of specific things that you don't believe? Because there is no sign that they are true. It isn't "scientific evidence." It simply makes no sense to believe anything if there is no evidence that it's true, and in the rest of your life, I'm sure that you don't. When you say that you believe without evidence because you have faith, you are merely definining yourself to be true.
If someone I know well asks me to trust him about something important, I might do it if his past behavior suggests that he is trustworthy, but that is deciding by evidence, not faith. If someone I don't know asks me to trust him on something important, e.g. lend him a thousand dollars, I would, indeed, not do it, because I have no evidence about his character. If, as you say, you believe in God because there has been evidence in your own life that he exists, then share some of this evidence with us.
You are willfully misunderstanding something really trivially simple that has been stated to you over and over for about a year now - it is irrational to believe something without anything to suggest it's true. It is just that simple. You believe in God because you want him to exist, but people who make decisions that way will end up believing a lot of things that aren't true.