quote="Momma Angel"]
I see your point. I guess my problem is that for those that require evidence, the idea of the supernatural is not accepted easily, if at all. [/b][/quote]
Well, yes. Exactly. "Evidence" and "supernatural" are pretty much mututally exclusive. ;-) If there were evidence, it wouldn't be supernatural.
Momma Angel wrote:This is why I wonder if some chose religions that are based more on the actual human figures in them. I hope I'm making sense, sozobe. It's hard to talk about some of this stuff when not in person. Well, for me it is. The written word is a bit difficult at times. [/b]
Nope, not really making sense. :-) You say these things in such a nice and self-deprecating way that it's tempting to gloss over it, but it's precisely what's been getting you in hot water here. If you are able to articulate what you mean, great! If you can't, you kinda need to figure out a way to do so, as internet-based mind-reading isn't yet an option.
Momma Angel wrote:To me, that is still looking to man because man is the one that came up with the meteorological indicators (tests, etc.). As long as we want any kind of evidence we are looking for an answer from man IMO. It is scientific fact that water freezes at 32 degress, right? Well, who decided what 32 degrees was? Man did. Now, that doesn't make it wrong, but, it is man's answer. Yes, science is great evidence of many things. But, who set up the standards for science? Man.[/b]
Yep, man. And? What's wrong with that?
Momma Angel wrote:I still didn't explain that well enough. Ok, let's just take the posters here on A2K for an example. We have all kinds; atheists, agnostics, apatheists, Buddhists, Muslims, Christians, etc. There is so much division, whether we all like to admit it or not, there just is. Some of the things I have been learning through this thread are helping me to see how I have been enabling that "we" and "they" mentality. This is what I mean, sozobe. How do we calm these waters?[/b]
It seems like you already have the answer. Step out of the "we" and "they" mentality. Enter into a way of discussing things out of a desire to reach a further understanding -- yourself -- rather than a desire to impose your "understanding" on others. You're doing a pretty good job of that in this thread -- notice that the tone of this one is generally much better than others you've attempted?
Momma Angel wrote:It seems most that are atheists at the very least agree that Christ's teachings were very valuable and something we should all try to live by. So, is there a way to bridge this gap (for those that want it bridged)? [/b]
Again, what gap? How is it not already bridged? How could it be bridged more effectively than it already is?
You believe in god. Others don't. That is unlikely to change through any discussions here, nor do I think it should be, per se. My goal is not to make you stop believing in god; you're more than welcome to your belief.
Momma Angel wrote:Sure, there will always be those that just stay away from the issue altogether and there will always be the extremists on the other end of the spectrum. I just feel that there must be a way for all of us to co-exist, not only on A2K, but in reality as well. I realize it may seem unrealistic to some, maybe even many, but if we can look to ourselves for all the answers to these other things, why aren't we looking at ourselves for this answer? [/b]
Momma Angel, you have a way of stringing words together in grammatical sentences that nonetheless make no sense at all. ;-) The answer to what? Who says we're not co-existing? Who says that what acrimony there is is about the subject and not how the subject is addressed? Again, see my comments about how this thread is faring as compared to other ones that you have attempted.