rl again spouting his "own pet Theory"Quote: When Darwin's grandpa proposed his theory of evolution, and later Darwin himself went out in search of evidence to try to support it , they may have been thought of as ignorant fools.
Youre posting an grand simplification to the extent that its a grand untruth, and you know it. Erasmus published a long poem "Zoonomia" which contained the lines about an evolution of animals. It was a friggin poem that was barely understandable. Besides it was L:amarkian all the way.
Charles knew of his grandfathers fame a a doctor who published nature poems and had some neat ideas. Wilbur and Orvilles father, if he were a tinketrer, you would credit with having invented the flying machine.
Charles had no such ideas to undo the sanctified beleifes of the day when he signed on to the Beagle. He was, after all , a ships naturalist in a (sort of) covert mission to which Charles was a small cover story.
The idea of the synthesis of the theory of evolution didnt even occur to him when he returned to England to discover that of all his species of birds from the galapogos, most all were finches. The ensuing 25 or so years betwen his coming home and publishing Charles was busy tring to set-up experiments to understand the mechanisms (the how of evolution).Something his grandfather merely penned out a few verses of didactic poesy(with the stunning clarity of some of spendius posts)
I dont know why you insist on these little bits of revisionism , they arent true, nor do they help your credibility herein.