Well, Duh . . .
You believe your imaginary friend created the world and all that is in it, correct?
I rest my case . . .
Phoenix32890 wrote:Intrepid wrote:Well, I went to school and was taught science. I was also taught from the bible. I am not confused.
How do you justify the incongruencies in your own mind?
I realize that science is not perfect so the actual age of the earth is not actually known. I, of course, also realize that the 6000 years is not to be taken as a literal time frame. I can believe in the creation without it conflicting with an older earth. I am open.
Phoenix32890 wrote:Intrepid wrote:Won't be debated by me
I don't understand your point. Are you saying that you won't answer my query, or that you accept both positions?
I was referring to the snide remark from Setanta
Not a snide remark, just an accurate one . . .
real life wrote: For you to pretend that young people must believe in only evolution just as you believe it, or they 'will not understand science' shows a complete disconnect with reality.
Evolution (ie Natural Selection) is not a belief , it is a systematic description of how the biological world works which you can chose to either ignore or accept and suffer the results (for example drug resistant microbes). Categorizing evolution as a "belief" is analogous to categorizing oxygen as optional
Acquiunk wrote:real life wrote: For you to pretend that young people must believe in only evolution just as you believe it, or they 'will not understand science' shows a complete disconnect with reality.
Evolution (ie Natural Selection) is not a belief , it is a systematic description of how the biological world works which you can chose to either ignore or accept and suffer the results (for example drug resistant microbes). Categorizing evolution as a "belief" is analogous to categorizing oxygen as optional
Oh I see. Like rejecting oxygen, eh?
So if I don't believe in evolution, I'm gonna die?
No, but the prospect that we all will suffer from institutionalized idiocy is increased.
I have no idea what they may suffer from in the institution that you may frequent.
What a grand waste of money that could be used in some form of research into genetic diseases. Ive visited the Paluxy River museum and it certainly i a joke. The facts are totally twisted and the "footprints" of the humans have been thoroughly debunked. However that doesnt stop the "Mission" from spouting its baseless crap.
Evangelicals will doggedly stick to their guns despite the tons of evidence against them. They argue that the evidence is in doubt, or when they cant argue that one successfully, they get ad hominem with the scientists who found the evidence. They suddenly become evil godless servers of satan.
Then they build a museum to it. Only in America do we even give the time of day to these people.
real life wrote:I have no idea what they may suffer from in the institution that you may frequent.
I frequent no institutions. Not motivated by supestitious fear, i tend to rely upon myself, and not an imaginary friend, or a superstitious awe of science or ideology.
farmerman wrote:Only in America do we even give the time of day to these people.
My first reaction was yes only in America, but then on reflection perhaps its to your credit that you do...My worry and Dawkins stressed this point (discussion on another thread) is that those of us who thought evolution would be naturally accepted by all have had a rude awakening. The religious crazies are fighting back...and in many aspects (except their ability to deal with the truth), appear to be winning.
theyll only win if we let our guards down. Im gratified that some more of my geologist colleagues are getting involved . Weve actually begun attending the "Creation fests" or the open lectures given at Baptist Churches in Pa. Ive been to a couple just so the kids can understand that theres a "real scientist " out in the audience who wont roll over. Once confronted, if the speaker isnt ready for honest discussion, Ive already been ejected by the "ushers"
Yep Jesus saves. he only saves yer ass if you dumly accept this junk as truth.
Last months
"Reports of the National Center for Science Education" had a number of personal experiences related to the "close minded" school boards even in the areas of the US where Evolution is the standard for science (biology) competency testing. The teachers who taught in Texas were driven out of town by the "Bible klansmen" who started campaigns aginst the personal lives of teachers who didnt teach Creationism.
Why didnt these teachers go to a lawyer and initiate a suit? They were afraid that the school admin was tacitly approving the strong arm of the buba Creationist thugs.
The issue was also celebration of quality education in public schools where the biology program has led to educated students who kept their religions but were educated to understand and accept the evidence of evolution and the associated sciences.
Thats one of Creationism and ID's dirty secrets, they have many zealous believers in their mission that theyve left all reason and intelligent dicussion behind. Many of these guys are in a self proclaimed "battle for their souls" Its a shame that they dont fully understand nor will they attempt to understand the robustness of the underlying sciences. If they wish to adopt a "Creationist" focus in their science departments at Liberty College and Oral Roberts and Ave Maria U, let em go for it.Id just hope that, when it comes to applying to elite grads schools the department chairs and the selection committee that year will be able to seethrough the **** and reject these students who will just slow down the pace of graduate ed.
Intrepid wrote:
I realize that science is not perfect so the actual age of the earth is not actually known. I, of course, also realize that the 6000 years is not to be taken as a literal time frame. I can believe in the creation without it conflicting with an older earth. I am open.
That right Intrepid keep and open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out.
farmerman wrote:theyll only win if we let our guards down. Im gratified that some more of my geologist colleagues are getting involved . Weve actually begun attending the "Creation fests" or the open lectures given at Baptist Churches in Pa. Ive been to a couple just so the kids can understand that theres a "real scientist " out in the audience who wont roll over. Once confronted, if the speaker isnt ready for honest discussion, Ive already been ejected by the "ushers"
Good for you Farmer. Its time we fought back against the religious crazies. Here Dawkins two part program "the Root of all Evil" was inspirational.
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:Intrepid wrote:
I realize that science is not perfect so the actual age of the earth is not actually known. I, of course, also realize that the 6000 years is not to be taken as a literal time frame. I can believe in the creation without it conflicting with an older earth. I am open.
That right Intrepid keep and open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out.
Ain't you the erudite scholar of abased refinement.
Intrepid wrote:I, of course, also realize that the 6000 years is not to be taken as a literal time frame. I can believe in the creation without it conflicting with an older earth. I am open.
Since I started this here thread, and given that the museum has Creationism and the literal interpretation of the Bible as it's premise, I ask: how do you know when to take the Bible literally, how do you know when to take the bible allegorically, and how do you know when to take the Bible in some other fashion such as untrue.