real life wrote:Probably some would call that 'ridiculing the messenger' as discussed above.
You mention the limitations of evolution. But we seldom hear of that when the issue is discussed publicly. I think many on the evolution side think there are none or are unaware that there are.
I think it is a major point in the whole education debate.
What are some of the limitations or weaknesses, if you will, of the evolutionary theory that you discuss with your students? Do you tell them there are any?
of course, we usually assign entire reearch projects on individual aspects, like phylogenetic relationships.What are the correct clades of association among various taxa.
WHen did protists , plants and animals differentiate? evidence. Why dont we understand about the differentiation of early cells, why did bilateral symmetry seem to win out?
Lifes Origins are independent from evolution.(Evolution studies are silent re" the beginnings of life)
WE see wildly different and weirdly unique bauplans of life that cluster around the Vendean till the Mid Cambrian, What happened to the vast differences in lifeforms.
We deduce a "Cambrian explosion" from how many separate areas of stratigraphy.We trace the beginning of the C explosion, but when did it end. We dont have a good stratigraphic understanding because the basal Cambrian was an active geologic period.
How do we trace notochords adaptation and in how many different species. How come many Paleozoic notochords as larvae become sessile radial species
Really explain the gaps . Why do birds and reptiles give us a wonderful transitional sequence and mammals dont
Is most evolution adaptive? How comes some of the biggest macroevolutionary features dont appear adaptive.
Phylogenetics v paleontological evidence has some major disagreements
Other limitations include the presentation of human social v biological evolution as extensions of the same mechanisms, when no evidence supports it. We can only compare the events of the movements of H sapiens sapiens and H sapiens idaltu. We cannot ascribe social developments to evolutionary mechanims.
what do Short Tandem repeat alleles tell us?
I have the students follow a taxanomic clade and plot the fossil evidence on a vertical scale from when it shows to when it dies in the record. Define any gaps in the records and critically analyze reasons or speculate as to the expansion , decline(bottlenecks) or resurgence in the fossil record.