Re: Bugs Bunny and Homosexuality
NickFun wrote:I was recently watching some old Bugs Bunny cartoons. I noticed in several episodes Bugs dresses up as a human girl with the intention of seducing the unwitting Elmer Fudd. At the end of one cartoon the hapless Fudd winds up marrying Bugs! In that one episode alone we witness bestiality (Bugs was a rabbit), cross dressing and homosexuality. Do you think this kind of perversion has an influence on todays youth?
I can tell you for a fact that Bugs is queer...I know this for a fact because I slept with him most nights until I was 7 years old or there abouts; often times pulling his string.

No, no, no...he had a string which I could pull and he would say "nyah...What's up Doc?" However Bugs dressed in the feminie attire as a way to lure Fudd and at time others into traps in order to protect his lil ol' self, it had nothing to do with his being gay.
And by the way that Elmer Fudd sure was a could Bugs possibly control himself in such close proximity?