Dawkins TV Programme. "The Root of All Evil"

Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 11:11 am
Whereas ignorance is invicible, it is no excuse for foolish statements. Oxygen can be detected by its flammable property. Oxygen can be detected by its reactions to know, solid elements or chemical compounds which can be seen, smelt, tasted and touched. It is shown to be present by rust, which is iron oxide. It can be detected by its spectral signature.

Awww man Setanta... I thought my ignorance was our little secret? LOL Yes, maybe I am being a little ignorant with my statement. But think about this: You say oxygen can be detected by certain properties and reactions correct? I say God can be detected by certain properties and reactions as well. They both hold the same qualities, they can't be seen, touched, smelled, heard, ect... So what is the difference between the two?

You are certainly correct that such behavior is not limited to religious communities. It cannot be denied, however, that there is an exclusivity of alleged sanctity in all religious credos which leads to bigotry, and bigotry inevitably leads to prejudice, from which it is a short step to violence and crime of all sorts. The problem is not with the character of individual believers, but rather with the credo which lends itself to such exploitation.

Awww man... again... you gotta point out my over-reaction! LOL I'm drowning here! As much as I do know he's not talking about the character of individual believers it still frustrates the bejeebers out of me. I know in an aspect or two he's probably right, but it's a struggle for me to not take this personal. I am frustrated with certain religions and the manner in which they promote their beliefs. But I am equally as frustrated with those who sit on what appears to be a high seat doing what appears to be the same thing "religions" are accused of doing. Sorry for over-reacting though... eeek

This is an unfounded assumption. It is entirely possible to authorize all sorts of dangerous thinking on the basis of a flawed premise. It is simply necessary to demonize the "other," something to which religion easily lends itself. Once again, it is not the character of the individual believer which is at issue, it is the character of the credo. This is also true of ideologies, such as the Fascisti, the Falange, the National Socialists and the Communists. That Dawkins confines his observations to religion does not lessen the truth that dogmatic beliefs are dangerous. Were Dawkins to contend that only religious dogma is dangerous, you'd have a point. Which leads me to ask if you are reacting to Dawkin's program (Americans do not commonly misspell this word as the English do--for the irony challenged, that was humour), or if you are reacting to the post. Neither you nor i should condemn Dawkins himself without having seen the program.

Ok, ok, you got me there. I was just talking out of my butt cause I was mad. Yes, I was reacting to the post. And yes you have a point about comdemning Dawkins without having seen the program. (see, told ya'll I could be a hypocrite too, not that I think this to be one of my finer qualities though, ack...)

I am uncertain what you are trying to say here, but i would note that religion, and specifically christianity, has been used to justify all sorts of criminal enormities. Slavery in the United States is one glaring example. Once again, if Dawkins is criticizing the potential flaws of dogmatic creeds, as opposed to suggesting that all individual believers are flawed, you really have no argument. But in the final analysis, neither you nor i are qualified to judge without having seen the program. I think that your post has very much the character of someone getting angry because they feel they have been insulted. It may be that Dawkins has treated the believer unfairly, but we can't know if we haven't seen the program. Your actual beef might be with those here who describe it, as opposed to Mr. Dawkins himself.

Man, just can't let me slide on anything can you Setanta! Darn you! I'm trying to be good... I really am... it's just not working out so well for me today! Dang it all! Alright... I'll concede on this one. I'll quit talking out of my butt now. LOL, oh boy...
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Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 11:14 am
I wasn't trying to pick on ya, Miss Eppie . . . i was just tryin' to hit the steam release valve on your temper . . .
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Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 11:19 am
I know Setanta! Believe me! I was making light of myself because I know that this was a gross over-reaction on my part. I can handle it and go on though. It's just a little easier to swallow being wrong when one can learn to laugh at themselves... LOL You did an excellent job hitting the steam release on my temper, and I do greatly appreciate it!
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Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 11:50 am
Allow me to congratulate posters on the quality of the debate.

Hephzibah, the difference between "a scientific concept" such as oxygen and a "non-scientific one" such as God, is that the existence of oxygen is refutable in principle, the existence of God is not. (i.e. unlike for oxygen there is no critical test for God's presence or absence).

Dawkins ended the second programme with a riposte to those theists who say "this can't be all there is"......Dawkins asks "How much more do you want ?" Any comments ?
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Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 12:02 pm
fresco wrote:
Allow me to congratulate posters on the quality of the debate.

Hephzibah, the difference between "a scientific concept" such as oxygen and a "non-scientific one" such as God, is that the existence of oxygen is refutable in principle, the existence of God is not. (i.e. unlike for oxygen there is no critical test for God's presence or absence).

Dawkins ended the second programme with a riposte to those theists who say "this can't be all there is"......Dawkins asks "How much more do you want ?" Any comments ?

Ok fresco, but just for the sake of making a point here please let me say this:

I personally have never done any of the tests to prove that oxygen really exists. So I could easily say in ignorance that it doesn't. (let me make it clear I am not stating that though) If I'm not willing to look at what science offers as evidence of oxygen's existance even though you may have looked at it and proven it to yourself, what good is your argument against mine?
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Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 12:20 pm

How much more they want is screaming out at you everywhere you look.Maybe if they all had Dawkins's job and lifestyle they might come to a similar view which is,anyway,an argument for himself to retire isn't it.What does he want?

"A bank balance
And a bit of skirt in a taxi."

According to McNiece.
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Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 12:24 pm
Obscurity and a competence: that is the life that is best worth living.

-- Sam Clemens.
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Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 01:17 pm
What a high old intellectual time one could have with the McNiece and the Clemens quotes.I wish I had the time.Every theme in this and similar threads,maybe in all the threads,except maybe the hot Trivia,could be woven into a tapestry of the times starting with those words of wisdom.

How come a ****-hot,sound barrier pants,like Dawkins doesn't know something so simple as that.

Good I say.There would be no programmes to watch for a start.Obscurity is great and watching the silly sods is a bonus added to the bank balance and the taxi.

I'm thinking of writing to Wayne Rooney to tell him.
He must have £20 million by now and you wouldn't catch me playing at football if I had £20 million at 20.I mght play but I certainly wouldn't train.It seems such a pity that such a fine upstanding gentleman like Wayne is should throw his whole life away trying to get to £100 million.
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Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 01:29 pm
Maybe he can't abide obscurity.

I've heard it's all the rage not being obscure.I heard Andy's "15 minutes" mentioned again this very morning.They didn't attribute it of course.Andy's so famous they don't need to. He took a hatred of obscurity as his basic theme.I think,and I sincerely hope,ironically.I'm almost certain.

"Bob",he said,"ask her how big his willie is" was a normal everyday request to Colacello when they were talking to a girlfriend,wife,ex-wife of a famous male they were angling to get a portrait commission off.

In second place was-

"Bob-has the cheque arrived yet?"
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Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 01:32 pm
Have none of yooze guys read Holy Terror by Bob Colacello?

You should.
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Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 03:57 pm

I understand completely the rhetorical points you make about "existence" and "evidence". But the rhetoric would give way to practicalities for you if the oxygen masks descended in future flight you might be on, or your doctor diagnosed a lung condition which required you to have an oxygen supply at home.
The point Dawkins makes is that it is irrational to pick and mix science and religion. He brings this point home in an interview with the Bishop of Oxford , an Anglican moderate, who disputes the "Virgin Birth" but accepts "Christ's Ascension".


I think you throw out the baby with the bathwater.
Your intellectual integrity should allow you to separate the message from the messenger. Dawkins is certainly not everyone's cup of tea, but nor was Winston Churchill or Isaac Newton. Significant messages may arrive from questionable sources. If our political direction is being influenced by theistic leaders it may be the intellectual duty for some of us to support celebrated detractors whatever their sub-agenda may be.
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Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 04:26 pm

Well,of course old chap. I have no objection to your support for that side of the discussion. Not being a complete idiot I wouldn't go to the barricades to defend your right to take the position you do but our difference is the stuff of the debate.
I do not rate Mr Dawkins or his programme.In fact the programme as programme was third rate tripe.
I don't really see how that can be disputed.

He made no case at all to me.I couldn't actually figure out what he was on about.To think rabbis and evangelicals and a tried and tested method with history when you want to become a snow machine constitutes an attack on "religion" is preposterous.It was absurd.

A junior Vatican theologian would murder him in a debate.

Sorry to rush.I'm a thirsting for a pint.
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Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 05:09 pm
spendius wrote:
He made no case at all to me.I couldn't actually figure out what he was on about.To think rabbis and evangelicals and a tried and tested method with history when you want to become a snow machine constitutes an attack on "religion" is preposterous.It was absurd.

You've lost me there Spendius ! Was that before or after the pint Smile
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Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 06:01 pm
He tried the equivalent of pretending that quantum mechanics was just a matter of electrons jumping about like Mexican beans on a hot-plate or that sex was only about getting the leg over or that the universe is a pattern on the latest electro-magnetic radiation detection machine.(Only 379.99 at all good stores.)One of which he has.

All of which are very popular and therefore,by simple logical analysis,like bananas to a troupe of hungry monkeys.Which is fair enough according to Mr Darwin.
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Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 06:26 pm

In programme 1 (which I think you missed), Dawkins was careful to point out that the tenets of scientific knowledge were open to constant revision according to new evidence (a major keyword in Dawkins view of "rationality"). This does not imply the simplistic picture you paint. On the other hand, I have already agreed that Dawkins tends to simplify by ruling out "the spiritual" but such an omission is irrelevent to his counter-arguments to so called "factual" statements by religionists about say the age of the earth. The religionist agrees to play a "simplistic game" here and is easily defeated by Dawkin's call for evidence. The crux of the matter, in programme 2 which you don't acknowledge, is that it is the simplistic level which of necessity is presented to children and they assimilate unsupported claptrap as "factual".
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Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 06:49 pm

I don't give a flying fornication about the age of the earth.And I don't think many children do either.

Maybe I failed to mature.Is it any good?
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Decisively Doubtful
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2006 06:42 am
what about 'moderates'?
This thread is too long for me to read everything so sorry if I'm repeating what someone else has said but...

I think the program was good in that it showed the excesses of religion; a warning to all as to how religion can push some people to extremes: namely the American Fundmentalists (that Hell House thing with homosexuality=sin was sickening)

However, what he barely addressed was the vast majority of religious people who are NOT extreme. When he did he made them to look like they've compromised their religion because they don't want to go to these extremes

BUT, so-called 'moderates' are in fact much closer to the truth of their religion than extremists:

-religion is about right & wrong and doing what's right
-our conscience tells us to do what's right: as he explained at the end
-extremists think that a book (made by men, not God) tells us what's right & wrong (God's will)
-'moderates' think holy books are important but only an APPROXIMATION of God's will; not God's will itself
-They think the conscience is a link to God and reveals his will
-They think that to obey God you do what your conscience tells you; with general rules from Holy Books to guide you on your way

This is the position of, I think, a vast majority of (truly) religious people and yet Dawkins didn't once give it a look in: if only he did I think he'd be saying Religion is in fact the "Root of all Good"
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Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2006 06:59 am
Setanta wrote:
... Were Dawkins to contend that only religious dogma is dangerous, you'd have a point. Which leads me to ask if you are reacting to Dawkin's program (Americans do not commonly misspell this word as the English do--for the irony challenged, that was humour), or if you are reacting to the post...
you nearly got me there Set Laughing never has a hackle risen or fallen so quickly.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2006 07:14 am
spendius wrote:

Do those two clunkers serve to discredit religion for you?
I take your point, but Dawkins also had an interesting chat with Richard Harries Bishop of Oxford and (in)famous Anglican liberal. Harries is not a clunker. Harries thought belief in the resurrection paramount and vital to be considered a Christian, but in his opinion the virgin birth was optional. Dawkins said you want it both ways whats the point in being a Christian if you can pick and choose the bits you like and the bits you dont like? Why be a Christian at all? (Wry smile from Harries). There then followed a discussion on the frequency of miracles, Harries said life as we know it could not be liveable if miracles happened all the time, on the other hand certain miracles have happened. Dawkins, who obviously has respect for Harries (he used to be on Thought for the Day on a Friday remember?)- as as intelligent and thoughtful person did not actually say the word bullsh1t, but for anyone watching the discussion, it wasnt necessary.
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material girl
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2006 07:18 am
So are extremists right in there use of violence?
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