Dawkins TV Programme. "The Root of All Evil"

material girl
Reply Wed 11 Jan, 2006 08:49 am
I still havnt watched it but it is put in a special place with a label on it.
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material girl
Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 04:20 am
I saw it last night.

It amazes me how the rligious people get defensive when they cant explain something, one guy even called the presenter arrogant!! even tho he was preaching that his beliefs were better and true.

I heard them recite and name a passage from the Bible that disaproved of homosexuality.
I went and looked in the Bible and it didnt match up, it said nothing about homosexuality.
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Wolf ODonnell
Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 05:40 am
material girl wrote:
I saw it last night.

It amazes me how the rligious people get defensive when they cant explain something, one guy even called the presenter arrogant!! even tho he was preaching that his beliefs were better and true.

I heard them recite and name a passage from the Bible that disaproved of homosexuality.
I went and looked in the Bible and it didnt match up, it said nothing about homosexuality.

It depends on the version you have. Some mention the word homosexuality, others don't.

Go look it up in Biblegateway.com. They can allow you to search different versions of the Bible. See how the passage differs from New International Version, to King James to New Amplified to... you get the idea.
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Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 07:14 am
spendius wrote:
Rank Occupation Death rate/100,000 Total deaths
1 Logging workers 92.4 85
2 Aircraft pilots 92.4 109
3 Fishers and fishing workers 86.4 38
4 Structural iron and steel workers 47.0 31
5 Refuse and recyclable material collectors 43.2 35
6 Farmers and ranchers 37.5 307
7 Roofers 34.9 94
8 Electrical power line installers/repairers 30.0 36
9 Driver/sales workers and truck drivers 27.6 905
10 Taxi drivers and chauffeurs 24.2 67

153674 Controversial TV programme makers.0.0

Funnily enough, watching the Part II programme last night, I had the sneaking feeling Dawkins was cruisin' for a bruisin'. Somebody will "fatwa" him before long, I thought. I think too, that the same idea occurred to the programme makers, because last night although he often referred to "jews, muslims, catholics and protestants" as equally deluded in a monotheistic religion, his interviewees were mainly christian, one jew, no muslims.
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Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 07:34 am

A bit of subjectivity crept in you mean?

Did you catch my comments on the ID thread on S&M?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 07:44 am
No, mate

Please elucidate

I don't like to miss any comments of yours, even tho' I don't understand them all....
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Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 08:03 am

Science and Mathematics Forum.

wande's record breaking Intelligent Design thread.

Last page.

Good luck.
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material girl
Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 08:10 am
Wolf an Spendious, you proove his point precisely!!

You both say-

It depends on which version of the Bible you read.
Why the heck are there different versions?Make me think that its all made up.

Somebody will 'fatwa' him before long.
Proves that religion is evil.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 08:42 am
Hey MA-

I never said anybody would "fatwa" Dawkins.Why would they-he's harmless.
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Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 09:00 am
MA wrote-

It depends on which version of the Bible you read.
Why the heck are there different versions?Make me think that its all made up.

Of course it is all made up.That's not the point.The Highway Code is all made up too.It's about an agreed set of rules to go forward with.The upstarts Luther and Calvin wanted fame and fortune and the rest have followed their ideas and gone off in as many directions as they can find a market niche for.Consequently they have discredited religion as heretics always do.It was bound to happen once THE Church had to share power with the secular arm.
They have tailor made religions now to justify any lifestyle combinations which can form a congregation.It's anarchic really.

You didn't ought to go jumping at simple conclusions until you have made a study of it.
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material girl
Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 09:15 am
The highway code is made to fit the use of a certain 'product', very relevant and helpful to its user.
If people want to learn to drive, they go to it, they dont have it rammed down their throats.

The Bible was written by people who have never seen/met/spoken to Jesus/God/Adam/Eve.
They wernt there.

How can somebody lay down a law for an entire world full of people?

It should be approached if somebody feels the need for it, not have it burnt into them by elders/preachers.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 09:19 am
Faith, by definition, defies evidence: it is untested and unshakeable, and is therefore in direct contradiction with science.

Let's talk about oxygen. Can you see it? nope. Can you feel it? nope. Can you touch it? nope. Can you smell it? nope. Can you hear it? nope. Yet it's there right? Science has "proven" that we need it to live. But how can I trust that oxygen is REALLY there if I can't see, feel, touch, smell, or hear it? Science contradicts itself.

In addition, though religions preach morality, peace and hope, in fact, says Dawkins, they bring intolerance, violence and destruction.

So let's just lump all of those who believe in God into one group shall we? Don't ya'll hate it when we do this to you? Do you want to know what brings intolerance, violence, and destruction instead of morality, peace, and hope? Pride, arrogance, self-righteousness, and misunderstanding the impact of our actions on other people. You know what though? THIS kind of behavior is not limited to the "religious".

The growth of extreme fundamentalism in so many religions across the world not only endangers humanity but, he argues, is in conflict with the trend over thousands of years of history for humanity to progress - to become more enlightened and more tolerant.

Whew... this is a dusey. Really, I think he's giving entirely too much credit to the "religious". Religion endangers humanity? Oh brother... Well, by all rights then he's made a confession that there is actually a power behind those who represent religion then. I mean if they would be able to endanger the progress of humanity as this Dawkins guy see's it.

He describes the Holy Land as the least enlightened place in the world, a microcosm of the threat to rational values and civilisation posed by religion, whose irrational roots, he says, are nourishing intolerance and murder.

Yep, and if he'd actually research both sides of the story before running his mouth he'd see this was talked about, even prophesied about years and years ago in the bible.

Dawkins touches on the sense of belonging promised by religious groups but dismisses this as 'seductive group solidarity', which he describes as a 'shared delusion'. In doing so, he glances off the more subtle dilemmas of how religions and religious traditions are woven through people's notions of 'community', 'history' and 'identity'.

Again, the guy needs to do a little research before he starts running his mouth. As a matter a fact he's contradicted himself already! What was it he said before? "In addition, though religions preach morality, peace and hope, in fact, says Dawkins, they bring intolerance, violence and destruction." If he'd actually been to a church or two he'd have seen that this kind of behavior does not merely exist towards those outside of christian circles.

They judge, criticize, and are not tolerant of one another either. If the preacher say's one thing they don't like they tell everyone they can, "Humph... he must not have "heard" God. Gee, I wonder what's going on with him? Oh... yeah... did you see how much extra attention he's been giving Mrs. Brown lately after church??" If someone wears something to church they don't like they sit at lunch afterwards and say, "Did you see what she was wearing??? Oh my gosh! Who does she think she is!" Once again this kind of behavior stems from pride, arrogance, self-righteousness, and misunderstanding the impact of our actions on other people. Which again is not limited to the "religious".
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Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 09:19 am
I've taped both episodes and watched the programmes. He said religion is a virus which passes down the generations. Most important was his plea not to infect young minds. It was very depressing seeing kids in segregated schools and being terrified with notions of hell. But programme ended on a high, we are so lucky to be alive, live your life and explore the magnificence of nature. Well done prof Dawkins. This needed saying.
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material girl
Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 09:38 am
I loved the bit about living life, I reckon nature is to blame for natural distasters, not God.

He did seem really cheesed off at times, like he was ready to burst at the a*sey religious people.I wanted to hit them, he was very restrained.

Life would be fine if religion didnt exist.
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Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 09:40 am
Don't try it Steve.

He was only be talking about the "magnificence of nature" he knows about.By which I mean the standard lower middle-class version usually accompanied by string instruments playing slow movements from various carefully chosen compositions which have no connection to the film being watched which itself is put together by a bunch of cynics trying to render Auntie Maud a bit overawed and with a desire to shoot off to the travel agents and blow all her poor husband's beer,fag and betting money.

Nature is all around.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 09:43 am
MA wrote-

Life would be fine if religion didnt exist.

Life as you know it wouldn't exist either.Explain how we would have got here from where we were 7,000 (say)years ago without religion.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 10:05 am
Most people when speaking with a Hassidic Jewish Rabbi (should they ever meet one) would be too deferential to put contentious view, but not our Prof.

Rabbi "We believe God created the earth 5 thousand years ago".

Dawkins "Thats ridiculous, the agrarian revolution was before then"

And to the proprietor of a "Hell Centre" in Colorado

"If after seeing your show some children suffered nightmares about hell, would you be pleased?"

Dawkins spoke with a friend and supporter of Rev. Paul Hill (who was convicted of the murder of a doctor who worked in an abortion clinic, and executed) and asked him where Hill was now.

"Oh he's doing well I'm sure"

"In heaven?"


"So Jesus welcomes murderers into heaven?"


The more I saw of this the more impressed I was with Dawkins. After reviewing the petty vindictive and violent character of the God of the Old Testament, Dawkins said the New Testament God was an improvement, until Paul's sado masochistic message of salvation through suffering. Jesus saves the world from the sins of Adam through all the sins of the future whether we commit them or not, God as judge jury and victim. Dawkins comment ...Barking!
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Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 10:22 am
hephzibah wrote:
Let's talk about oxygen. Can you see it? nope. Can you feel it? nope. Can you touch it? nope. Can you smell it? nope. Can you hear it? nope. Yet it's there right? Science has "proven" that we need it to live. But how can I trust that oxygen is REALLY there if I can't see, feel, touch, smell, or hear it? Science contradicts itself.

Whereas ignorance is invicible, it is no excuse for foolish statements. Oxygen can be detected by its flammable property. Oxygen can be detected by its reactions to know, solid elements or chemical compounds which can be seen, smelt, tasted and touched. It is shown to be present by rust, which is iron oxide. It can be detected by its spectral signature.

So let's just lump all of those who believe in God into one group shall we? Don't ya'll hate it when we do this to you? Do you want to know what brings intolerance, violence, and destruction instead of morality, peace, and hope? Pride, arrogance, self-righteousness, and misunderstanding the impact of our actions on other people. You know what though? THIS kind of behavior is not limited to the "religious".

You are certainly correct that such behavior is not limited to religious communities. It cannot be denied, however, that there is an exclusivity of alleged sanctity in all religious credos which leads to bigotry, and bigotry inevitably leads to prejudice, from which it is a short step to violence and crime of all sorts. The problem is not with the character of individual believers, but rather with the credo which lends itself to such exploitation.

Whew... this is a dusey. Really, I think he's giving entirely too much credit to the "religious". Religion endangers humanity? Oh brother... Well, by all rights then he's made a confession that there is actually a power behind those who represent religion then. I mean if they would be able to endanger the progress of humanity as this Dawkins guy see's it.

This is an unfounded assumption. It is entirely possible to authorize all sorts of dangerous thinking on the basis of a flawed premise. It is simply necessary to demonize the "other," something to which religion easily lends itself. Once again, it is not the character of the individual believer which is at issue, it is the character of the credo. This is also true of ideologies, such as the Fascisti, the Falange, the National Socialists and the Communists. That Dawkins confines his observations to religion does not lessen the truth that dogmatic beliefs are dangerous. Were Dawkins to contend that only religious dogma is dangerous, you'd have a point. Which leads me to ask if you are reacting to Dawkin's program (Americans do not commonly misspell this word as the English do--for the irony challenged, that was humour), or if you are reacting to the post. Neither you nor i should condemn Dawkins himself without having seen the program.

Yep, and if he'd actually research both sides of the story before running his mouth he'd see this was talked about, even prophesied about years and years ago in the bible.

Exegesis is always shakey ground upon which to make a stand. But i'll let it go, while obseving that given the history of the middle east for several thousand years, predicting strife there is a no-brainer.

Again, the guy needs to do a little research before he starts running his mouth. As a matter a fact he's contradicted himself already! What was it he said before? "In addition, though religions preach morality, peace and hope, in fact, says Dawkins, they bring intolerance, violence and destruction." If he'd actually been to a church or two he'd have seen that this kind of behavior does not merely exist towards those outside of christian circles.

They judge, criticize, and are not tolerant of one another either. If the preacher say's one thing they don't like they tell everyone they can, "Humph... he must not have "heard" God. Gee, I wonder what's going on with him? Oh... yeah... did you see how much extra attention he's been giving Mrs. Brown lately after church??" If someone wears something to church they don't like they sit at lunch afterwards and say, "Did you see what she was wearing??? Oh my gosh! Who does she think she is!" Once again this kind of behavior stems from pride, arrogance, self-righteousness, and misunderstanding the impact of our actions on other people. Which again is not limited to the "religious".

I am uncertain what you are trying to say here, but i would note that religion, and specifically christianity, has been used to justify all sorts of criminal enormities. Slavery in the United States is one glaring example. Once again, if Dawkins is criticizing the potential flaws of dogmatic creeds, as opposed to suggesting that all individual believers are flawed, you really have no argument. But in the final analysis, neither you nor i are qualified to judge without having seen the program. I think that your post has very much the character of someone getting angry because they feel they have been insulted. It may be that Dawkins has treated the believer unfairly, but we can't know if we haven't seen the program. Your actual beef might be with those here who describe it, as opposed to Mr. Dawkins himself.
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Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 10:23 am
It's a simple trick Steve.

Select some idiots.Argue with them and leave witnesses with the impression you're a genius.Politicians have been known to engineer their own hecklers for the same reason and comic double acts work the same principle.

Do those two clunkers serve to discredit religion for you?
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material girl
Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2006 10:37 am
spendius wrote:
MA wrote-

Life would be fine if religion didnt exist.

Life as you know it wouldn't exist either.Explain how we would have got here from where we were 7,000 (say)years ago without religion.

Firstly, who is MA???

Im glad to hear life as we know it wouldnt exist without religion, all I hear about is war and religious hatred.
The basic existence of humans would continue, less people would be dead due to religion based wars.
Dozens of people wouldnt be dead due to them being blown up in London undergrounds or a bus because of religion.
Look at Southern Ireland, totally segregated from the North due to religion.

I dont really get what you mean.How would we have got 'here'?Wheres here?
Weve been around for at least tens of thousands of years, weve done quite well apart from the ozone layer and wars.

Dinosaurs exsit without religion, monkeys live happy lives without religion.

Ask if atheists have nice lives and if.
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