lets pray for our troops

Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 02:24 am
msolga wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
For me... I pray for them along with the American troops, Australian troops, Canadian troops etc. whether they are posted someplace in peacekeeping duties, or war zones.

Well, that's something, anyway, Intrepid. Me, I fervently wish this outrageous invasion hadn't happened in the first place. Do any of you, as Christians, have problems with the fact that it did?

I can only speak for myself. I was saddened when that invasion took place. I could find no rational reason for it. I was tremendously proud when our Prime Minister stood up and said that the war was not justified and Canada would not participate. I try to stay away from the political aspects. As a Christian, I do not find any conflict justifiable.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 02:25 am
Anon-Voter wrote:
husker wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
and perhaps it is time to take bigotry off the streets

You people are bringing on these negative feelings all on your own! I've always been tolerant of all faiths, but I'm starting to hate you so-called Christians with a passion. For starters, I doubt if any of you can agree on what a true Christian is !! Secondly, the more you force your "faith" into being law, the more I can't stand you. When you back a warmonger who is killing people for power and greed while he makes a fool of you, it doesn't speak well for your so-called moral structure. Keep up the good work boys and girls, pretty soon you'll have a tremendous backlash against your movement!!


is this like an organized threat?

It's going to be how people treat you as they get tired of your pushing Theocracy as Law! It's got nothing about being a threat, it's about reaction to the Christian belief that their faith should be legislated!!


Anon - you have some real problems dude
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 02:26 am
Anon-Voter wrote:
husker wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
and perhaps it is time to take bigotry off the streets

You people are bringing on these negative feelings all on your own! I've always been tolerant of all faiths, but I'm starting to hate you so-called Christians with a passion. For starters, I doubt if any of you can agree on what a true Christian is !! Secondly, the more you force your "faith" into being law, the more I can't stand you. When you back a warmonger who is killing people for power and greed while he makes a fool of you, it doesn't speak well for your so-called moral structure. Keep up the good work boys and girls, pretty soon you'll have a tremendous backlash against your movement!!


is this like an organized threat?

It's going to be how people treat you as they get tired of your pushing Theocracy as Law! It's got nothing about being a threat, it's about reaction to the Christian belief that their faith should be legislated!!


You want to legislate the Christian faith? Are you serious?

You get angry at Christians because we vote considering our religious beliefs and YOU want to legislate our faith? I'm sorry, but that really sounds like a huge double standard to me.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 02:27 am
Momma Angel wrote:
msolga wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
For me... I pray for them along with the American troops, Australian troops, Canadian troops etc. whether they are posted someplace in peacekeeping duties, or war zones.

Well, that's something, anyway, Intrepid. Me, I frevently wish this outrageous invasion hadn't happened in the first place. Do any of you, as Christians, have problems with the fact that it did?


Isn't the point of this thread to pray for the troops because they are where they are? Does getting angry and lashing out at each other help anything?

Not every Christian supports the war. Not every Christian supports Bush. The point is the troops are there. Until they are home, they need our prayers. That is the point.

If I was praying right now & be praying for a change of US government. I really feel for the US troops being put in this terrible & dangerous situation, for absolutely no good reason. And, as I've already mentioned, the innocent Iraqi victims, as well. Pray for a political change, that's the best thing for all concerned!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 02:38 am
Momma Angel wrote:
dlowan Wrote:

How DARE you try to decide who has the right to post on threads in ANY forum?

Why do YOU post on threads which propose ideas differing from yours, and attempt to promote your daft rapture and tell everyone who disagrees with you that you "hope" god will not send them to hell.

MA, your irrationality needs to be tempered with some degree of self knowledge.

Your post is nonsense.

I'm afraid I don't quite understand you thinking I dared anyone anything, dlowan. I just asked a question of msolga so I could understand better where she was coming from.

I don't promote anything, dlowan. I have over and over again said I don't ask anyone to accept or believe what I post. It's my opinion, my view, etc. The same as others.

I have not one time told anyone that if they don't believe what I believe they will go to hell and I honestly don't think I ever said I hope God doesn't send someone to hell.

I am very sorry you don't understand what I meant. I honestly don't see what I did to offend you. I am afraid you completely misunderstood what I posted to msolga.

If you wish to discuss things on this forum, and do all injured innocence, why not include YOUR words in your quotes?

Momma Angel wrote:

Isn't the point of the title of a thread to draw people to the thread? Isn't it up to the reader to decide if they want to be part of what the original poster posts?

May I ask you, why did you come to this thread if you didn't like (not sure of the right word here) the premise of the thread? I am sincerely asking because I just don't understand why you would if you don't want to be engaged in religious discussions and prayer is obviously religious.

You are asking why people come to religious threads if they do not agree with them.


Why do you go to threads you do not agree with and get all upset and huffy?

Jesus wept.

And, if you believe you do not in speak of your god sending people with who it disagrees to hell, I suggest you go and have a damned good look at the posts where you have implied this.

Go to your profile, and all posts by yourself, and we wil discuss it.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 02:40 am
Momma Angel wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
husker wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
and perhaps it is time to take bigotry off the streets

You people are bringing on these negative feelings all on your own! I've always been tolerant of all faiths, but I'm starting to hate you so-called Christians with a passion. For starters, I doubt if any of you can agree on what a true Christian is !! Secondly, the more you force your "faith" into being law, the more I can't stand you. When you back a warmonger who is killing people for power and greed while he makes a fool of you, it doesn't speak well for your so-called moral structure. Keep up the good work boys and girls, pretty soon you'll have a tremendous backlash against your movement!!


is this like an organized threat?

It's going to be how people treat you as they get tired of your pushing Theocracy as Law! It's got nothing about being a threat, it's about reaction to the Christian belief that their faith should be legislated!!


You want to legislate the Christian faith? Are you serious?

You get angry at Christians because we vote considering our religious beliefs and YOU want to legislate our faith? I'm sorry, but that really sounds like a huge double standard to me.

No, MA.

If you READ the post, you wil lsee Anon believes some christians want to do this.

He clearly states he opposes it utterly.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 02:41 am
dlowan do you know why Jesus wept?
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 02:45 am

I just hit the quote the last message and replied to it.

I'm sorry, it appears to me that Anon thinks the Christian faith should be legislated. Part of it? All of it? Just the ones he/she doesn't agree with?

I have stated I know what the Bible says pertaining to me about heaven and hell. I have stated God is the only one that can make that decision about who goes to hell or not. I cannot and will not make that decision.

I can't be any clearer than that.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 02:48 am
Some folks prolly oughtta take a couple of these


and see how they feel in the morning.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 02:48 am
husker wrote:
dlowan do you know why Jesus wept?

Because his followers missed the entire message???

0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 02:49 am
timberlandko wrote:
Some folks prolly oughtta take a couple of these


and see how they feel in the morning.

Which folks? :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 02:50 am
timberlandko wrote:
Some folks prolly oughtta take a couple of these


and see how they feel in the morning.

Those better be valium!!

0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 02:51 am
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 03:15 am
husker wrote:
Anon - you have some real problems dude

No more than you would if us "godless" folk went around and tried to make "Satanism" the law of the land.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 03:21 am
Momma Angel wrote:

I just hit the quote the last message and replied to it.

I'm sorry, it appears to me that Anon thinks the Christian faith should be legislated. Part of it? All of it? Just the ones he/she doesn't agree with?

I have stated I know what the Bible says pertaining to me about heaven and hell. I have stated God is the only one that can make that decision about who goes to hell or not. I cannot and will not make that decision.

I can't be any clearer than that.

Then you lack clarity, since you completelymisunderstand what Anon has said.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 03:21 am
Anon-Voter wrote:
husker wrote:
Anon - you have some real problems dude

No more than you would if us "godless" folk went around and tried to make "Satanism" the law of the land.


But Anon-Voter, who is trying to make Christianity the law of the land? There is no bill that I know of in process to try to make Christianity the law of the land.

I am sure there are satanists that vote with their beliefs in mind when they vote. I am sure there are atheists that vote with their beliefs in mind when they vote. I am sure there are Buddhists that vote with their beliefs in mind when they vote. Anon, we ALL have the same rights when we vote. ALL of us.

No one is trying to make everyone in the United States become a Christian.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 03:24 am
dlowan Wrote:

Then you lack clarity, since you completelymisunderstand what Anon has said.


If I misunderstood then I would greatly appreciate it if you could tell me what it is I misunderstood. I want to understand what Anon is saying but I keep getting the same meaning from rereading it.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 03:29 am
Momma Angel wrote:

I just hit the quote the last message and replied to it.

I'm sorry, it appears to me that Anon thinks the Christian faith should be legislated. Part of it? All of it? Just the ones he/she doesn't agree with?

I have stated I know what the Bible says pertaining to me about heaven and hell. I have stated God is the only one that can make that decision about who goes to hell or not. I cannot and will not make that decision.

I can't be any clearer than that.

Yes, you can. You just don't want to.

This is a good example of what drives me crazy about you Momma, even though I do think you mean well. you say you are a Christian, but when it comes to the actual MEANING behind this, your logic and reason just shut down and there is this disconnect that occurs. I don't know how you can do this and not see it.

If you believe in Christianity, then you MUST believe that people who don't follow the teachings of Jesus, or even believe in god at all, are going to hell.

But you seem to feel that if you don't actually say that straight out like that, it gives you a pass.

This kind of thinking gives me a headache. How about you? Do you have migraines? Don't you maybe feel some kind of pressure build-up or something?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 03:34 am
dlowan wrote:

Then you lack clarity, since you completely misunderstand what Anon has said.

I will leave her in your kind hands. I have taken Timbers prescription and am getting sleepy. It's either that, or blood loss from banging my head against a brick wall! I'm going to take a vicodin, or five ...

0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 03:38 am
kickycan wrote:
Momma Angel wrote:

I just hit the quote the last message and replied to it.

I'm sorry, it appears to me that Anon thinks the Christian faith should be legislated. Part of it? All of it? Just the ones he/she doesn't agree with?

I have stated I know what the Bible says pertaining to me about heaven and hell. I have stated God is the only one that can make that decision about who goes to hell or not. I cannot and will not make that decision.

I can't be any clearer than that.

Yes, you can. You just don't want to.

This is a good example of what drives me crazy about you Momma, even though I do think you mean well. you say you are a Christian, but when it comes to the actual MEANING behind this, your logic and reason just shut down and there is this disconnect that occurs. I don't know how you can do this and not see it.

If you believe in Christianity, then you MUST believe that people who don't follow the teachings of Jesus, or even believe in god at all, are going to hell.

But you seem to feel that if you don't actually say that straight out like that, it gives you a pass.

This kind of thinking gives me a headache. How about you? Do you have migraines? Don't you maybe feel some kind of pressure build-up or something?


Do I have migraines? As a matter of fact, I have had them since I was sixteen but it's due to a problem with my spine that cannot be corrected.

A pass? Not at all. I know what the Bible says. I know that it says if you don't accept Christ as your Savior then you are not going to heaven. In a nutshell that is what it says.

When I talk to someone on these forums, for instance, I don't consciously think, oh, he's/she's going to hell! I have to be concerned about my salvation. I can do nothing about anyone else's. I do not tell other people they are going to hell. That is not my place. I tell them to read the Bible and decide for themselves. That's just the way it is.

A lot of not telling someone that flat out is a lot of times it has been a trap. The minute I come out and say yes, the Bible says if you don't believe in Jesus Christ you are going to hell, I get accused of judging. It's a no win here. I am sure you can understand that.

I can only be concerned about whether I am going to hell or not. I don't want anyone to go there. But, I can't make that decision for anyone but myself.
0 Replies

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