lets pray for our troops

Reply Wed 11 Jan, 2006 08:23 pm
Thank You Ms JBB - so much kindness - I'm humbled and blushing

You too Tico
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 12:24 am
Excellent post, Brooke. And I am going to take your wisdom to heart.
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Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 03:08 am
justa_babbling_brooke wrote:
DontTreadOnMe wrote:

ya can't have it both ways, husker. if you hold that all christians are unique individuals, you must certainly understand that all non-christians (and those christians who are not into the born again thing) are as well.

Non believers are absolutely unique individuals. Deserving of love, happiness, and every single thing that is good. Christian ... or non Christian. Being one or the other does not make either side better. But knowing Husker .... he agrees with that. I doubt there is a prejudice bone in his body. He's a very sweet, sensitive man.

While I'm at it and posting ....... I might as well get it off my chest. I have read as much as I can stomach of some of these posts in the Spirituality and Religion section.

You all remind me of a bunch of children that have not learned how to play in the same sand box together. And I'm talking about both, believers and non believers, here.

I see certain members follow Momma Angel around ....... seeming to deliberately try and provoke her. It's pretty sickening.

And I see Momma Angel seemingly do the same thing to certain posters. Only with her, deep down inside, you still feel the love. I highly doubt that she is the bad person some of you try and make her out to be.

Perhaps you do not believe in God. But, certainly, you can't feel good about some of the attacks and mockery that you bestow upon her. And Momma ..... I know that YOU know ...... sometimes it is better to calm the seas by turning the other cheek. This doesn't mean you are weak. Quite the opposite.

Would those of you that do not believe in God, defend to your death, that which you love the most in this world? This is what she is doing. Perhaps not in most perfect of ways. But who has the right to demand perfection?

I am a believer. I will stand firmly on my beliefs. To say that I am not educated and need to be put on medication and locked in a padded cell because I believe in God ....... just shows how truly sad, the thinking is of some people. I am grateful that most of the non believers on this forum are good decent, kind, human beings . And I find them quite charming.

Reach inside of yourselves. Find all the parts of your caring side ..... and realize, that just because we don't all think alike .....does not mean we are any less deserving.



To me, this particular thread was more political than religious or personal. I don't know the "religious" folk involved in this thread all that well. (Some I'd never come across prior to this thread - like the instigator.) But speaking for myself, I find the invasion of another country by the sole "super power" in the world extremely distressing & a highly reprehensible thing to have occurred. Much of my own anger about this thread is to do with the notion of praying to god for the US troops in this outrageous situation. (As if god, if s/he exists, would want to have any part of this political mess!!!!) I do not blame the US troops for for the terrible situation that their government has put them in. I wish they weren't there at all. I wish their government would get them out of Iraq without delay. However, what I find really objectionable about the intent of this thread is the idea of praying online (while waving the (US) invader's flag!) for the welfare of US soldiers (& by extension, supporting the US invasion). As I've tried to say time & time again: what about the real victims of this immoral invasion on innocent civilians? This has absolutely nothing to do with wanting to give particular A2K posters a hard time. It has everything to do with rejecting what I believe is a hypocritical political position.
Do you have any thoughts on the political implications of what your government is doing in your name, brooke?
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Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 03:02 pm
msolga wrote:
This has absolutely nothing to do with wanting to give particular A2K posters a hard time. It has everything to do with rejecting what I believe is a hypocritical political position.
Do you have any thoughts on the political implications of what your government is doing in your name, brooke?

Your early posts in this thread, msloga.

msolga wrote:
This influx of dubious religious zealots is decidely less than welcome here. A2K attempts to be an intelligent, rational discussion forum. This is not some convenient outlet for folk with interesting religious beliefs. Rolling Eyes I doubt they'll make too many converts here & for the rest of us, well ... it's tedious & sometimes offensive having the board jammed with this nonsense.

msolga wrote:

But did you sincerely expect anyone here to be involved in a prayer gathering? What on earth did the poster expect? This is not a fundamentalist church, or forum. Of course people thought the thread was silly! Why should they treat it with reverence?

I guess I don't read well, between the lines. Your posts seemed aimed at the religious sect on this forum. It didn't seem "political."

I can perfectly understand the Christians opening a thread for prayer. Be it for the troops or whomever. That's not at all unusal. I have seen it done on many forums. Not just this one. Smile

As per my political views on the war ..... I don't believe that was ever the intentions of this thread.

I love my country .... I may not always agree with it's leaders. I do not have to support this war in order to support the troops or the innocent people involved.
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 03:07 pm

You are, indeed, very wise. Thank you for the beautiful post.
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Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 04:07 pm

I'm quite comfortable with my earlier (& later) comments on this thread. I thought it was a provocative thread & I think it was political. I still do. I won't go on & on (again) about why. There's no need for you to try read "between the lines" to find those reasons. You can find them on this thread along with the ones you selected in your post above.
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 04:10 pm

I can tell you this with the most sincerity. This prayer thread, the other pray for our troops prayer thread, nor the Iraqi people prayer thread has anything to do with politics for me. It has everything to do with caring and compassion for people in difficult times.
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Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 04:16 pm
I can understand that, momma. But you have to take into account that War in Iraq is a political matter - and even a 'prayer for troops' or civilians - is thus highly politicized in our current atmosphere - outside of a2k just as much. It is thus natural that 'non-religious' folk come there and express their opinions as well. You can't draw the line between political and religious as neatly as Brooke is suggesting.
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 04:23 pm
dagmaraka wrote:
I can understand that, momma. But you have to take into account that War in Iraq is a political matter - and even a 'prayer for troops' or civilians - is thus highly politicized in our current atmosphere - outside of a2k just as much. It is thus natural that 'non-religious' folk come there and express their opinions as well. You can't draw the line between political and religious as neatly as Brooke is suggesting.

Actually dagmaraka, I think it is as neatly done as Brooke is suggesting. It's called, common courtesy. There are how many threads on A2K about the war? Plenty! Fine, post your things there. It is just a matter of us putting aside ourselves for just a few minutes and thinking about the higher purpose of something. The purpose of the thread was not for the posters! The purpose of the thread was for the troops.

I specifically and respectfully asked that in the new thread I started for the troops that the politics be left out of it and they could be left in here. The very first post after my original one tainted the whole thread IMO.Crying or Very sad
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Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 04:29 pm
momma, all i'm saying is that probably your desires are unrealistic in a public forum such as this one. you cannot reserve one corner for yourself, it just doesn't work that way - as you now probably clearly see.
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Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 04:30 pm
"The very first post after my original one tainted the whole thread IMO."

Yes, that Husker can really be a spoiler
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Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 04:34 pm

I don't intend to say much more on this thread as I think it's just about done. :wink: In regard to Christian compassion & contribution to their society I'd like to say this: I have often marched with Christians in anti-war protests in my own country, most recently regarding the Iraq invasion. They have been a very conspicuous & vocal force in this movement. (We have Australian troops in Iraq, too.) And I often find myself on the same side of the fence in campaigns for fairer deals for working people here (currently under attack from our conservative federal government). Christians have also been hugely involved in recent campaigns to abolish the death penalty, amongst many, many other issues considered important to them. I have the greatest respect & admiration for these Christians. They are a valued & an integral part of our community.
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 04:37 pm
dyslexia wrote:
"The very first post after my original one tainted the whole thread IMO."

Yes, that Husker can really be a spoiler

Momma Angel Wrote:

I specifically and respectfully asked that in the new thread I started for the troops that the politics be left out of it and they could be left in here. The very first post after my original one tainted the whole thread IMO.

Perhaps you didn't catch the part where it says I am talking about the new thread? Nice try though. Rolling Eyes
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Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 04:47 pm
Momma Angel wrote:
Actually dagmaraka, I think it is as neatly done as Brooke is suggesting. It's called, common courtesy.

no, there is no neat dividing line between politics and religion. Vatican is politics, Politics is infused with religion, the blurr has been here for centuries and won't go away with placing some topic in S&R forum and demanding exclusivity. Courtesy you expect is unrealistic and unjustified.

Say I posted something about Europe, where I would only want to talk to Europeans and would tell all Americans on this forum to stay away. Do you think they would? Do you think they should? No way, that would be an outright silly idea.
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Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 04:54 pm
msolga wrote:
Christians have also been hugely involved in recent campaigns to abolish the death penalty, amongst many, many other issues considered important to them.

Just a quick comment to clarify this statement: we no longer have the death penalty in Oz. (Christian churches played a big role in the movement leading to its abolition, btw.) The most recent recent focus was an attempt save the life of a young Australian on death row in Singapore.
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Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 05:05 pm
justa_babbling_brooke wrote:
Your posts seemed aimed at the religious sect on this forum.

IMG, there's a sect here!!!!! Shocked

I just knew something was up! Laughing
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Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 05:15 pm
dagmaraka wrote:
I can understand that, momma. But you have to take into account that War in Iraq is a political matter - and even a 'prayer for troops' or civilians - is thus highly politicized in our current atmosphere - outside of a2k just as much. It is thus natural that 'non-religious' folk come there and express their opinions as well. You can't draw the line between political and religious as neatly as Brooke is suggesting.

The Iraq War itself is a political matter, but I fail to see how a prayer for the troops can be "highly politicized." Prayer for the troops is not showing support for the war. I also don't see how this thread was political at all, unless you folks are offended that the thread originator has an American flag for his/her avatar ....

What I'm seeing are the posts of those who don't believe in god, and seem to be offended that prayer is going on. Msolga's early post about the "influx of dubious religious zealots" conveys that message to me. She poo-poos posts asking for prayer as not being "intelligent," and characterizes them as the posts of those with "interesting religious beliefs." I fail to see how someone starting a thread seeking group prayer for any group can be construed as "shoving religion down our throats."

It strikes me as more than a little hypocritical to read non-believers on the one hand exclaim that they should not feel constrained from posting in these threads, and then on the other hand attempt to limit the free speech of those that are interested in the subject matter of the thread. You tell me which party is being the most considerate toward the other?

Frankly, if you don't like it, I suggest you don't click on the thread. It seems to me your options are: (a) ignore the thread, or (b) join the thread, and proceed to denigrate those of faith, and attempt to place restrictions on the free expression of ideas on this forum.

As you say ... "Courtesy you expect is unrealistic and unjustified." With attitudes like those displayed in this thread, I believe it is certainly not realistic to expect.
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Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 05:17 pm
msolga wrote:
justa_babbling_brooke wrote:
Your posts seemed aimed at the religious sect on this forum.

IMG, there's a sect here!!!!! Shocked

I just knew something was up! Laughing

Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee . . .

You are such a naughty Witch . . .
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Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 08:31 pm
The best way to support the troops is to get them home from Iraq.
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Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 09:04 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
unless you folks are offended that the thread originator has an American flag for his/her avatar ....

Why would anyone give a **** if originator of the thread uses a flag for his avatar??

Ticomaya wrote:
I fail to see how someone starting a thread seeking group prayer for any group can be construed as "shoving religion down our throats."

I use that phrase in a much wider sense. It's about people like Bob Jones of the ultra-right ultra so-called Christian university and their ideas of what they expect of Bushums now that "they" elected him Prersident. It reminds me of the radical Islamic schools in Pakistan teaching the kids from the beginning that Islam is "THE ANSWER", and anyone not with the program should be irradicated. It's about schmucks like Falwell and Robertson who are such religious zealots that they are basically terrorists themselves.

Ticomaya wrote:
It strikes me as more than a little hypocritical to read non-believers on the one hand exclaim that they should not feel constrained from posting in these threads, and then on the other hand attempt to limit the free speech of those that are interested in the subject matter of the thread. You tell me which party is being the most considerate toward the other?

I, in many cases have encouraged the faithful to pray as much as they like. I have even gone so far as to offer some prayers myself!!

Ticomaya wrote:
Frankly, if you don't like it, I suggest you don't click on the thread. It seems to me your options are: (a) ignore the thread, or (b) join the thread, and proceed to denigrate those of faith, and attempt to place restrictions on the free expression of ideas on this forum.

It's an open forum. Cest la Vive'. To use a rightwing phrase, if you don't like it here so much ... leave!!

Ticomaya wrote:
As you say ... "Courtesy you expect is unrealistic and unjustified." With attitudes like those displayed in this thread, I believe it is certainly not realistic to expect.

Just think what a great opportunity we are giving the faithful to beat on their breasts and show us just what great Christians they are ... protecting the word and praying LOUDLY in face of the heathen hoards. The sacrifice of it all, the despair of it all. The bravery of these poor Christians in face of such great odds!! Oh what great Christians we have here!! I'll bet they're really racking up the brownie points for judgement day!!

God is so impressed!!

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