edgarblythe wrote:dagmarka has hit the nail on the head. This is the reason the thread didn't get any respect from the get go.
If it had been me, you would have respected it?
Had MA started it, would you have respected it and stayed away?
What if Intrepid had started this thread? Or Husker?
Naw, I think the problem is we're all feeling a little run over. We've got Jesus' tread marks all over us. "They" are taking over our political system, Supreme Court, legislative branches, and presidency. They are injecting themselves into our business, public parks and even into our homes via tv, radio and print news.
We have to listen to stupid stuff like tv preachers calling for assisination, how Christ is being taken out of Christmas (

- like the fact that stores depend on the season to make most all of their profits hasn't done that already) and Falwell opening a Law School to train Christian judges so as to get us on their more moral path.
We have a president that claims to talk to God and God told him to go to war against a country that had not smited us first. We have other leaders, claiming to have the moral high ground and represent our "values" who lie, steal, kill, cheat / divorce, and break most -if not all - of the Commandments on a daily basis.
We hear over and over again "Render unto Caeser..." only to have Caeser also want our children, our property, and our souls.
Yes, our souls. If you think you have one, our Christian President would like to have it. (Please give generously for your own safety and the safety of your family and loved ones) The way I see it, if we continue to allow torture, rendition, unjustified war, failure to assist those in need here at home while supporting laws that make the rich richer, and fail to tend our garden as instructed and care for Gods planet... We are giving away our souls.
So, I don't really think it would matter who started this thread. Some of us are tired of having a religion thrown in our faces as some sort of positive attribute, when it's apparent to many that the distortions necessary to go along with this kind of tripe is decidely NOT Christian.
Having said all of that, may our soldiers return home safe and sound to a better country than the one that sent them into harms way.