timberlandko wrote:BTW, Intrepid, I don't much care one way or another what anyone's ideology, philosophy, or theology might be - that just doesn't enter into it from my perpective at all. I will take issue with any proposition, statement, assertion, allegation, or position which gives me cause for exception, and I make no secret of my own philosophic, ideologic, and/or theologic point of view. I do however take exception to inappropriate and/or invalid manner of expressing one's ideology, philosophy, or theology. I get sorta excersized about folks trying to foist off bad advice on computer-related stuff, too.
Or, in short, he's a contrary bastich.
farmerman wrote:It IS a bit festive innit?
Oh...my screen here has poor resolution.
I thought you were Jesus.
dlowan wrote:timberlandko wrote:BTW, Intrepid, I don't much care one way or another what anyone's ideology, philosophy, or theology might be - that just doesn't enter into it from my perpective at all. I will take issue with any proposition, statement, assertion, allegation, or position which gives me cause for exception, and I make no secret of my own philosophic, ideologic, and/or theologic point of view. I do however take exception to inappropriate and/or invalid manner of expressing one's ideology, philosophy, or theology. I get sorta excersized about folks trying to foist off bad advice on computer-related stuff, too.
Or, in short, he's a contrary bastich.
Thanks for the compliment
I am m'lady, Im here to serve. Handsome devil too say? Least I dont look like I needs a bit of laxative.
Actually this is what I really look like.
Intrepid wrote:dlowan wrote:timberlandko wrote:BTW, Intrepid, I don't much care one way or another what anyone's ideology, philosophy, or theology might be - that just doesn't enter into it from my perpective at all. I will take issue with any proposition, statement, assertion, allegation, or position which gives me cause for exception, and I make no secret of my own philosophic, ideologic, and/or theologic point of view. I do however take exception to inappropriate and/or invalid manner of expressing one's ideology, philosophy, or theology. I get sorta excersized about folks trying to foist off bad advice on computer-related stuff, too.
Or, in short, he's a contrary bastich.
Thanks for the compliment
Er...I was speaking of Timber.
You think he might get cross?
ok, ok, ok heres a trick, see them 2 loaves of bread? pick em up . keep pickin em up till I say stop.
waitll ya see what I can do with a box of sloes
Oh..I can see you better from work.
That hat looks like a crown of thorns at home...seriously.
perhaps its the TAngueray and tea weve been sipping
We have been sipping no such thing.
farmerman wrote:Why Is Every Third Thread About Religion?
Reason v. Faith et al.
Welcome to today
well, it seems my pole has surfaced some interesting results that I, the expert on statistics will interpret for you .
It appears that we have a 60/40 split, in which I have cleverly hidden some "trick" postings to ferret out the leanings of the masses on this issue.
Thos who voted for
"Let me tell you about his noodliness" were cleverly tricked into professing a degree of agnosticism but were out there, adrift, looking for some meabing in their lives. Hence, his "noodliness" could fill that space. These people, prime candidates for the Pastafarian movement that was started by some (no doubt) smartass kid in Bemidji Minn. who, having nothng to do until the ground once again appears in June, has invented yet another religion and saviour. So, if numbers mean anything, our scientifically constructed poll shows that in the entire world , Gods are losing space in the vast worldwide pantheon of stuff we used to believe in but no longer give a rats ass.
Interesting things , statistics.
Oh, in case one of you who, "desires a more thorough understanding about how that 1% got lost" well, Ill have to refer you to Stegmans volume on "Statistics for Experimenters" He got paid to write all the fancy stuff.
Being too lazy to search and sift through all 16 pages of this topic farmerman I have one question for you:
Why have you placed a thread topic on religion in the Internet forum? It was in part, because of it's placement here that I had not even seen it until today.
As to your poll, rest assured, I have seen no reason to vote in it...add that to your lopsided stats. (God told me not to vote here)
Sturgis wrote:
Why have you placed a thread topic on religion in the Internet forum?
I don't know why farmerman did so. But if I had started this question I had done the same.
'Forum help' is A2K related, but not for such questions, I think. Well, 'General' would have been a possibility, but 'Internet' seems more specific.
Though farmerman might have had different ideas.
Thank you for that Walter...makes it a little clearer for me.
See, youre all assuming that farmerman is capable of "ideas' and " abstract thought". What he did was post a new thread wherever he happened to be at the moment. Now I know that this will pissoff the retentives who like to have things in neat rows and acrotics . I however, dwell in the world of chaos and untied strings.
Actually, it was a , sort of, "cyber related question" and I did not want to load up the religion board further with questions that have no answers.
Sturgis, if you dont vote, you cant gripe.
farmerman wrote:Sturgis, if you dont vote, you cant gripe.
Sure I can...it's the American way.
Just to keep ya entertained, Your Saviorness, i thought i'd direct your attention to the "Let's discuss the Big Bang!" thread which has been added to the "I don't know squat about science" section of Spirituality & Religion--no doubt intended as a bookend to the "Evolution? How?" thread which has been tormenting members lo these many years . . .
How's the salvation business these days, Hey-Zeus?