here's a boiler-plate email i just received in reply to a question i addressed to Pat Robertson via his website. nice of them to be sorry about taking offense, even though my question doesn't mention this.
my question is quoted at the bottom:
We appreciate this opportunity to serve you on behalf of Pat Robertson,
and apologize that he cannot reply to you personally.
We are sorry for any offense you may have felt at Pat Robertson's
comments on The 700 Club. In regard to Prime Minister Sharon, Pat said, "I
am sad to see him in this condition". He also said, "This is a tragic
situation". More personally, Pat shared that Sharon is "a very
likeable man", "a good friend", and "a very likeable person".
Pat is an ordained minister and Bible teacher, and has been a life long
supporter of Israel and has continually expressed grave concern over
dividing the land of Israel. He pointed to the book of Joel in the Old
Testament to show a biblical perspective of God's view of Israel and
efforts made by people who try to divide God's land:
Pat said, "In the book of Joel, the prophet Joel makes it very clear
that God has enmity against those who, quote, 'divide My land'. God
considers this land to be His. [When] you read the Bible, He says 'This is
My land'. And for any Prime Minister of Israel who decides he's going
to carve it up and give it away, God says, 'No, this is Mine'."
Pat was reminding viewers of what the Bible has to say about efforts
made to divide the land of Israel.
Please pray for God to bless this ministry with His divine wisdom,
discernment, and guidance, that everything we do would glorify Jesus Christ
as Lord and Savior. God bless you.
The Christian Broadcasting Network
Website - <>
The 700 Club Prayer Counseling Center - 1-800-759-0700
> On 06-Jan-2006 12:54:24 BringItOn wrote:
> The 700 Club - Bring It On: Other
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Ariel Sharon
> Dr. Robertson,
> You said, 'For any Prime Minister of Israel who decides he will carve
it up and give it away, God said, "No, this is Mine."' Since the United
States is Israel's ally, and has supported Mr. Sharon's policy of
dividing the land, is the President also in danger of divine retribution?