Tue 3 Jan, 2006 10:12 pm
i was an hour late a couple times taking my pill during the third week of my pack which my doctor said wasn't a problem but i might get some spotting, and on tuesday night my boyfriend and I had sex it took way longer than usual and i started to get a little sore so we were about to stop and he ended up finishing and the next morning i had alot of blood and it lasted that day and the next..but it was more blood than i probably would have lost during my period and i'm supposed to get my period this week (starting yesterday, which was monday) but i haven't gotten it yet, so could that have maybe been my period for the month? and if so should i be starting a new pack or wait until i run out of reminder pills and just start my new pack as if i got my period at the regular time? any answers as to why or what might be going on?
An hour here or there shouldn't do anything at all, but that whole story sounds worrisome enough that I'd suggest you talk to your doctor.
Generally, you should just stick to the schedule of the pills no matter what happens. I first went on pills specifically to regulate my period, just stuck with the schedule until things leveled out (and they did eventually). However, it sounds like you have some concern that this was non-menstrual bleeding -- have that checked out.
i got my period today so no worries about that anymore thanks though
Actually, it sounds even more worrisome to me now as if you just got your period, that other episode of blood loss might have been something else... what? (How long ago did that happen? From your account, it doesn't sound like there was enough time for you to have your period, then get it again.)
Not to freak you out, and not to pretend any particular medical knowledge (I am not a doctor or a nurse), but that does sound to me like something you'd want to have checked out.
What is up with all these kids forgetting their birth control lately?
Good grief. Ever hear of a condom people??