Anon-Voter wrote:I am not the only one that believes what I do. I do consider blind faith ignorance of sorts. Like I say Momma, preach and pray all you want ... just as long as you don't let it go beyond that. If that floats your boat, sail on! When you want to start affecting others with your superstitions and dogma, then it's time to call it what it is. When you want to start making it the law of the land, that's when I get testy. Don't make me live by your silly superstitions. Go shake your tambourine somewhere that you're not damaging the rest of us.
Don't make others live by your illogical ramblings either.
Go shake your rattling head somewhere that you're not damaging anyone else.
When you want to make killing an innocent life the law of the land that's when I get just as testy.
Now, we can zing these back and forth all day and night, or you can try to come up with a reason why it's ok for you to decide whether an innocent party lives or dies.
If you want to sacrifice your OWN body and give it's stem cells to researchers, that's fine by me. But when you take another's body to the blender and sell the remaining pieces to the lab, it's wrong. Comprende?
You've seen sick folks suffer? So have I. The solution is not to kill someone else to try to fix it.
You've got a blind faith of your own, you just can't see it.