Case #503 against blind faith--Stem Cell Research

Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 07:28 pm
Momma Angel wrote:

I didn't think you'd like that post much. Figures. And please, do not address me as MOAN. I do not moan.

I deliberately posted that using your own words. I guess you just can't understand there are more than just religious reasons a person might vote? I guess you can't understand our side of the coin, huh?

Or is it just that I wouldn't vote your way; thereby being ignorant?

Actually, I think MOAN is most appropriate. I must agree with Setanta!

I don't care if you can't think of anything on your own and need to pillage mine. Feel free!! Vote as you may, feel free. It's just too bad we don't have someone in the Presidency that understands the concept of separation of Church and State either. By legislating Christianity as the law of the land, you force us all to practice your supertitious dogma. One can only hope that the Christains soon realize what a fool Bush is making out them.

Feel free to pillage this post also if you need to! You have my permission since it only shows your inability to come up with your own thoughts.

0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 07:38 pm
Anon-Voter wrote:
Momma Angel wrote:

I didn't think you'd like that post much. Figures. And please, do not address me as MOAN. I do not moan.

I deliberately posted that using your own words. I guess you just can't understand there are more than just religious reasons a person might vote? I guess you can't understand our side of the coin, huh?

Or is it just that I wouldn't vote your way; thereby being ignorant?

Actually, I think MOAN is most appropriate. I must agree with Setanta!

I don't care if you can't think of anything on your own and need to pillage mine. Feel free!! Vote as you may, feel free. It's just too bad we don't have someone in the Presidency that understands the concept of separation of Church and State either. By legislating Christianity as the law of the land, you force us all to practice your supertitious dogma. One can only hope that the Christains soon realize what a fool Bush is making out them.

Feel free to pillage this post also if you need to! You have my permission since it only shows your inability to come up with your own thoughts.


The only reason I did that was to show you that the same could be said of those that think the way you do.

So, you CAN'T show me where there are restrictions on what I must base my vote on, right? So, it would seem to me we are both exercising the same right? I just don't call you ignorant because of what you believe.

I have asked you kindly not to refer to me as MOAN. I will ask you again. I give a flip if you think I am moaning or not. I stand up for what I believe in and that is my right, just as much as it is your right to do the same. I would imagine if I was agreeing with everything you said and still tried to keep some modicum of decency, you wouldn't have a problem with it, right? Rolling Eyes

The only thing is, if your views differ from mine, I don't feel a need to personally attack you.

You know what? I do not ever recall one single time there being anything on the ballots about legislating Christianity as the law of the land. Nope, don't think I've ever seen that on the ballots. Unh unh. Anybody else ever see that on the ballots? No? Didn't think so. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 07:44 pm
real life wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
I am not the only one that believes what I do. I do consider blind faith ignorance of sorts. Like I say Momma, preach and pray all you want ... just as long as you don't let it go beyond that. If that floats your boat, sail on! When you want to start affecting others with your superstitions and dogma, then it's time to call it what it is. When you want to start making it the law of the land, that's when I get testy. Don't make me live by your silly superstitions. Go shake your tambourine somewhere that you're not damaging the rest of us.


So you need to pillage also? I guess like minds and all that. OK, you may also have permission to pillage my posts for the same reasons as I stipulated for MOAN. Knock youself out!

Don't make others live by your illogical ramblings either.

I'm not ... feel free NOT to use the benefits of stem cell research! Nobody is saying that you must take advantage of the advances that are made!

Go shake your rattling head somewhere that you're not damaging anyone else.

Did my head rattle? I thought that was your mouth floppin'!!

When you want to make killing an innocent life the law of the land that's when I get just as testy.

Not taking innocent lifes, just using that which is doomed to destruction anyway! Rather see it used that be discarded as biohazard waste.

Now, we can zing these back and forth all day and night, or you can try to come up with a reason why it's ok for you to decide whether an innocent party lives or dies.

Not taking innocent lifes, just using that which is doomed to destruction anyway! Rather see it used that be discarded as biohazard waste.
By the way, just to correct you incorrect statement, I did not say I would make the decision about abortion. I let the woman carrying the child MAKE THE DECISION, something you are unwilling to do!!

If you want to sacrifice your OWN body and give it's stem cells to researchers, that's fine by me. But when you take another's body to the blender and sell the remaining pieces to the lab, it's wrong. Comprende?

Not taking innocent lifes, just using that which is doomed to destruction anyway! Rather see it used that be discarded as biohazard waste.
By the way, just to correct you incorrect statement, I did not say I would make the decision about abortion. I let the woman carrying the child MAKE THE DECISION, something you are unwilling to do!!

You've seen sick folks suffer? So have I. The solution is not to kill someone else to try to fix it.

Not taking innocent lifes, just using that which is doomed to destruction anyway! Rather see it used that be discarded as biohazard waste.
By the way, just to correct you incorrect statement, I did not say I would make the decision about abortion. I let the woman carrying the child MAKE THE DECISION, something you are unwilling to do!!

You've got a blind faith of your own, you just can't see it.

I have blind faith in nothing. I said earlier that I cannot guarantee success, but that I think we should try. Only a loser doesn't try because they fear failing. Winners are defined by their failures!!

0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 07:48 pm
I think your record is stuck. :wink: Oh yeah, it wouldn't be your fault, would it? You didn't make the decision. Oh no, you would just vote so someone else could make the decision. Jump on the old bandwagon of hey, "if it's right for me!" Weeeee! Are you for real?

Right, not your fault. Voting for something doesn't mean you approve of it, huh? Amazing. Rolling Eyes
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Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 07:50 pm
Momma Angel wrote:
You know what? I do not ever recall one single time there being anything on the ballots about legislating Christianity as the law of the land.

I would add that stem cell research, in particular, is not an example of such legislation. If I ask you to buy me a pack of cigarettes and you decline to pick up my tab, you aren't legislating non-smokerism. You are simply asking me to pay my own way. Neither did the Bush administration legislate Christianity when it asked some stem cell researchers to find their own investors, but kept that research entirely legal. In fact, he didn't legislate anything. He simply decided that the federal government wouldn't buy some services that some scientists were offering. It had no obligation whatsoever to purchase those services.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 07:56 pm
I believe it was the Christian right wing that took credit for putting the Shrub over the top. Right after that, there was a letter published from the Religious fanatic that runs Bob Jones University.

Read what this moron has to say about what they expect of George Bush now that he was elected.


Read and enjoy!!

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Im the other one
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 07:58 pm
Anon-Voter wrote:
Momma Angel wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
echi wrote:

So, then there's the old question that if life begins at birth, do you think it's fine to abort a nine month old fetus? Is it the same as aborting one at nine weeks, or do you draw a line somewhere?

I do draw a line ... when it starts breathing on it's own. I suggest you direct your efforts to those that are here and quit worrying about blobs of cells.


So, two seconds before a child is born, it's not a child but just a blob of cells? Are you serious?

Deadly serious! How many African babies have you adopted to keep them from dying excrutiating painful deaths?


And here folks, we have someone who obviousy hasn't graduated from their 'blob' of cells stage yet. :wink:
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Arella Mae
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 07:59 pm
So, you expect someone that is President that is a Christian to totally set aside his Christian beliefs and values?
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Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 07:59 pm

How about if we legislate that you MUST have an abortion, thereby taking it out of your hands to decide. How do you feel about that??

By the way, have you adopted any of those African children yet?? They need your help!!

0 Replies
Im the other one
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 08:01 pm
Doktor S wrote:
Abortion is murder, by some definitions of the word. Yes, a living thing is dying.
My question is, so what?
'Rights' and 'justice' aren't inherant, they are arbitrarily given and taken away by those in power. Human life has no inherant value but what we give it.

Very good answer Dok. :wink:

Do you mind if I call you Dok?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 08:01 pm
I'm the other one wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
Momma Angel wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
echi wrote:

So, then there's the old question that if life begins at birth, do you think it's fine to abort a nine month old fetus? Is it the same as aborting one at nine weeks, or do you draw a line somewhere?

I do draw a line ... when it starts breathing on it's own. I suggest you direct your efforts to those that are here and quit worrying about blobs of cells.


So, two seconds before a child is born, it's not a child but just a blob of cells? Are you serious?

Deadly serious! How many African babies have you adopted to keep them from dying excrutiating painful deaths?


And here folks, we have someone who obviousy hasn't graduated from their 'blob' of cells stage yet. :wink:

And don't count on me being so stupid as to do so either!!

0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 08:04 pm
Well, for your information Anon-Voter, I have been pregnant once in my life. I was raped when I was very young. I lost the child at five months. Now, there was no way you ever would have gotten me to abort that child no matter what! Because it was a child.

Now, if you want to vote for abortion, stem cell research, whatever, do it! More power to you. I don't care why you vote the way you do!

You have no right to care why I vote the way I do unless you can show me where it is written I CANNOT vote on anything unless I toss my religious beliefs aside.

I may not adopt African children, but I do perform charity and community service work. What do you do?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 08:10 pm
I spend about $150-200 thousand per year training impovershed youth in the use of computers in a program that I instituted at my company using my own techs as a free resource to the foundation. We also provide them with their own free computers. We make sure they get fed at least once a day. Stuff like that!!

0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 08:21 pm
This thread is pathetic. Is there even a topic, any more?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 08:22 pm
Oh, wait... I know the topic... YOU'RE STUPID!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 08:22 pm
real life wrote:
kickycan wrote:
real life wrote:
kickycan wrote:
First of all, let's dispense with this ridiculous bit.

real life wrote:
For those who doubt that an embryo with 150 cells is a living human being, I ask, how many cells does it require to be a living human being?

First of all, thanks for making my point. If not for god, you would never bring up such an inane argument like this. Your religious belief is impeding your ability to think rationally, and therefore is a roadblock to the kind of real ethical debate that might be able to take place on this issue otherwise.

Oh, and to answer your question, here's a simple test. If you can squash the f*cking thing into nothingness using less than your thumb, it's not a living human being. I know this because it says so in my bible.

Nice dodge. So how many cells DOES it require to be a living human being?

kickycan wrote:
real life wrote:
The point was discussed a bit earlier that the differences between adult stem cell research and embryonic stem cell research were often IMO intentionally ignored by those who want to accuse pro-life folks of being against ALL stem cell research (untrue) or those who want funding for embryonic stem cell research by riding on the coattails of successful adult stem cell research.

And the reason you keep bringing up adult stem cell research is not totally based on the fact that you believe, on an irrational religious basis, that they are, in fact, a living human being?

I could care less how much more successful adult stem cell research has been thus far. The point is that embryonic stem cell research has the potential to be even more valuable[/u], but because of all the white noise coming from the religious world, there can't even be a real reasoned debate about the ethics of it.

That is my point, which you have so nicely helped me clarify. Thanks.
(emphasis mine)

Again you hype your product but provide no proof. I hope you don't try to make a living in the sales profession.

And yeah, it is being debated. You just don't like the results of the debate. Unless your opposition rolls over and plays dead, you kick and scream and shout 'unfair unfair'.

You want to join the debate? Prove your assertion that embryonic stem cell research has greater potential than adult stem cell research without simply parroting someone else's assertion that it is so.

You want to join the debate? Prove your assertion that the embryo is not a living human being by telling us at what point he becomes one. How many cells does it require to achieve the status of 'living human being' in your world, Kickycan?

Again you miss my point.

Faith clouds the issue so that a reasoned debate can't be had.

It doesn't matter much what I think about when a human life becomes a human life. For purposes of this argument, I could care less whether a human life begins at the point of conception, or whether it is at the point of the first heartbeat, or whether it is when the doctor slaps it's gooey little ass in the delivery room. The point is, we should determine this stuff without the mumbo jumbo of religion muddying up the waters.

The point you started the thread with was that 150 cells did not constitute a human life.

That was the whole foundation of your argument.

So, tell us, how many cells DOES it require to be a living human being?

I already answered your question. The thumb-squash test is just fine with me. So what?

And what is YOUR answer to this question?
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 08:22 pm
Glad to hear it.

Now, what about the other part of my post? You going to show me where it says what I can and cannot base my decision to vote on?

I do not agree with stem cell research. So, I would not vote for it. Black and white, plain and simple.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 08:27 pm
Momma Angel wrote:
Glad to hear it.

Now, what about the other part of my post? You going to show me where it says what I can and cannot base my decision to vote on?

I do not agree with stem cell research. So, I would not vote for it. Black and white, plain and simple.

Have you read my link on the moron at Bob Jones University?? Or do I need to quote the moron here??

0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 08:33 pm
And like I said, do you expect a President to ignore his religious values and beliefs to perform his job?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 08:34 pm
Re: Case #503 against blind faith--Stem Cell Research
kickycan wrote:
Stem cell research utilizes cells from a blastocyst, which is a cluster of up to 150 embryonic cells, that could potentially be of use in the treatment of spinal cord injuries, cancer, blindness, heart and muscle damage, among others.

It is my contention that the only reason the U.S. government has not already jumped at the chance to fund research in this area is because of belief in the invisible man in the sky, and the thought that this cluster of 150 cells--smaller than the tip of your eyelash, this little bundle of cells--is a little person. Blind faith, once again getting in the way of science and possible advances that might save thousands of lives. Blind faith, rearing it's ugly head and once again f*cking up our world.

How many people will die this year alone, because of this stunting of progress by those who follow blindly the ridiculous tenets of their religious foolishness?

150 cells is a human life. Gimme a f*cking break.

OK, lets see if we can redirect the thread back to why there is no funding.

It's a true statement that the Burning Bush didn't make Stem Cell Research unlawful. We have however fallen well behind Singapore who has become somewhat of a leader in BioTech.

Luckily, California has shook off the stigma of religion and voted to fund SCR (Stem Cell Research). Hopefully, this funding will help springboard California into being a world class competitor in SCR. I'm going to see if I can find any recent news regarding where that sits now.

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