Momma Angel, I do not think that's all there is in the Bible, but I do question Christians who pick and choose which verses to believe and which to ignore.
I'm still waiting for your response to points I brought up.
Momma Angel wrote:You don't think that's all there is in the Bible? You lost me?
That was a response to your last post to me:
I'm telling you, you guys gotta get a new script! You'd think the stuff you talk about is all that is in the Bible.
I understand about being busy. Hopefully you are busy adopting out cats and not getting inundated with unwanted "Christmas presents."
Momma Angel wrote:edgar,
The last person that walked on the face of this earth that was without sin was crucified.
That's not actually true. The last person that walked on the face of this earth that was without sin - was assumed into heaven. She didn't die.
Mary, the Mother of Jesus was concieved without sin.
The Dogma of The Immaculate Conception. Check the link
Immaculate Conception
Sorry, don't follow the Catholic's view on Mary at all. I do appreciate your response though.
Hi Momma Angel.
Quote..(don't follow the catholic view on Mary at all).. unquote. To me... it seems, you are saying... your "view's" on their bit of religion ( the Catholics bit ) negates their "view"?. Perhaps the word "belief " should of been used instead of "view", though I suppose even "think" would be better?... Nick 17's point ...." I THINK" is quite right and there are a lot more Catholics out there that think other than the way you do....sooooo the numbers have it...umpteen millions to one makes them right and you wrong ( isn't that the way religion works )
Nice to hear you are looking after the cat's in your area. In my country they are a menace, where I live, we have a lot of flowering trees, which attract a large number of wild bird life... the local domestic cats have a great time killing them off, ( not for food either, they are all over fed ) I however am on the birds side, and take great delight every time I manage to kill one.
Also have a guy in the outer suburbs, that catches them and skins them for their fur.. that really gets up the nose of the cat lovers, but it's quite legal as cat's are supposed to be caged or indoors, to protect wild life. As it should be.
Hey.. not a problem Momma.
Just it seems soooo funny when one reads how the very religious tend to "put down" other religions, yet at the same time they all have absolutely nothing but the same Old book to base their religion on, and can carry on about what they "feel" and how they "Know" and that if one takes up their "beliefs" how they will be rewarded by some mystical thingo, that will get em into some mythological place "up there"??.
I have two very dear relations who are Seventh Day Adventist, they absolutely hate the Catholics, they say they are heathens, as they worship Idols. I reckon if they were called up into a Seventh Day Army, told to go get rid of them Idol worshiping Catholics, they would be there with their machine guns strapped to their shoulders ... singing the praise of their lord as they dashed over the trenches... even at seventy years of age, and I'm not kidding.
Wouldn't say intelligent, but like to call a spade a spade.
lightfoot wrote:echi.
Wouldn't say intelligent,...
Yeah. You're right. I take it back.
Do you really think anyone will read all of that?
I don't think about it like that.
Either they will or they won't. But if I didn't post it then no one had the chance to decide whether or not to read it--and then to choose to consider the things I said--or not.
It was not something explainable in '50 words or less,' that's why most standard apologetic replies are compacted for the specific purpose of mass distribution.
But I never apologize for God because there is a viable alternative.