The Abramoff scandal investigation

Reply Sun 12 Feb, 2006 01:28 pm
The filings in U.S. District Court do not allege any wrongdoing by the elected officials but list them in documents portraying David Safavian, a former GSA chief of staff, as an active adviser to Abramoff, giving the lobbyists tips on how to use members of Congress to navigate the agency's bureaucracy [...]

Because this is how these cases develop. The prosecutors keep their cards close to the vest at first; then let out little trickles in order to entice the targets to turn coat and prevent investigation.

Items such as this are often precursors to investigation and indictments; that's why this is news.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Feb, 2006 07:14 am
It remains to be seen if those three new republicans linked to Abramoff will turn out to newsworthy.

However the deal with Bush and the administration and Abramoff is simply the fact that Bush and his administration and people who speak for them have been brushing aside the Abramoff connection. These pictures such as this one and hopefully more to follow, show that Bush being photographed was more than just happenstance. (at least they do to anyone who is not entrenched into defending Bush to the bitter end.)
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Reply Mon 13 Feb, 2006 08:13 am
Roxxxanne wrote:

First Pic of Bush and Abramoff, Abramoff in upper left.

I have a photo of myself standing in the corner while President Reagan was shaking peoples hands.
So,according to your logic,that means I knew him and had dealings with him?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Feb, 2006 08:20 am
I'm pretty sure Bush doesn't know Abramhoff, I'm also pretty sure Bush doesn't know where the WoMD are. I'm damn sure Bush doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.
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Reply Mon 13 Feb, 2006 08:38 am
mysteryman wrote:
Roxxxanne wrote:

First Pic of Bush and Abramoff, Abramoff in upper left.

I have a photo of myself standing in the corner while President Reagan was shaking peoples hands.
So,according to your logic,that means I knew him and had dealings with him?

lets see.
Did you raise $100,000 for Bush in 2 election cycles?
Did you visit the WH on at least 12 occassions?
Did the President talk to you about your children?
Were you invited to a bbq at the Crawford ranch?

A picture doesn't mean a whole lot. The other dealings do. Karl Rove is also in the picture. By your logic, the President doesn't know who Rove is either.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Feb, 2006 09:24 am
Were you on the president's transiton team?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Feb, 2006 09:49 am
parados wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
Roxxxanne wrote:

First Pic of Bush and Abramoff, Abramoff in upper left.

I have a photo of myself standing in the corner while President Reagan was shaking peoples hands.
So,according to your logic,that means I knew him and had dealings with him?

lets see.
Did you raise $100,000 for Bush in 2 election cycles?
Did you visit the WH on at least 12 occassions?
Did the President talk to you about your children?
Were you invited to a bbq at the Crawford ranch?

A picture doesn't mean a whole lot. The other dealings do. Karl Rove is also in the picture. By your logic, the President doesn't know who Rove is either.

Those are ridiculous questions.
I specifically said REagan,not Bush.

question 1...no
question 2...I was part of the marine force at Camp David,so yes
question 3...I dont have kids
question 4...Bush wasnt President then,so no.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Feb, 2006 10:10 am
Those are ridiculous answers.
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Reply Mon 13 Feb, 2006 12:14 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
Those are ridiculous answers.

Ignorance reigns. it's a trademark!!

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Reply Mon 13 Feb, 2006 05:43 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
Those are ridiculous answers.

Those are direct answers to the questions asked.
Sorry if you dont like them,but that isnt my problem.
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Reply Tue 14 Feb, 2006 08:18 am
Mysteryman, if you have twelve pictures with Reagan and he invited you to his private home (wherever that was) and asked about your kids, I would think you had a bit more of a relationship than just people who happen to get their picture taken with a president.
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Reply Tue 14 Feb, 2006 11:01 am
Abramoff Said to Claim Close Ties to Rove
Abramoff Said to Claim Close Ties to Rove
By JOHN SOLOMON and PETE YOST, Associated Press Writers
Tue Feb 14, 2006

Three former associates of Jack Abramoff say the now-convicted lobbyist frequently told them he had strong ties to the White House through presidential confidant Karl Rove.

The White House said Monday night that Rove remembers meeting Abramoff at a 1990s political meeting and considered the lobbyist a "casual acquaintance" since President Bush took office in 2001.

New questions have arisen about Abramoff's ties to the White House since a photo emerged over the weekend showing Abramoff with Bush. The White House would not release the photo or any others that Bush had taken with Abramoff. Also surfacing were the contents of an e-mail from Abramoff to Washingtonian magazine claiming he had met briefly with the president nearly a dozen times and that Bush knew him well enough to make joking references to Abramoff's family.

Three former business associates of Abramoff, who worked with the lobbyist in various roles between 2001 and 2004, told The Associated Press that Abramoff routinely mentioned Rove when talking about his influence inside the White House.

One said he was present when Abramoff took a call from Rove's office to confirm a White House meeting had been approved between Malaysia's prime minister and Bush in May 2002. Abramoff was being paid by Malaysia for helping it in Washington, according to evidence the Senate has made public.

All three associates would describe the Abramoff comments only on condition of anonymity, citing the ongoing investigation of Abramoff's work and fears that speaking out could affect their current businesses. At least one said he had been interviewed by the FBI.

Abramoff was a $100,000 fundraiser for Bush and lobbying records obtained by the AP show his lobbying team logged nearly 200 meetings with the administration during its first 10 months in office on behalf of one of his clients, the Northern Mariana Islands.

The contacts between Abramoff's team and the administration included meetings with Attorney General John Ashcroft and policy advisers to Vice President Dick Cheney, the AP reported last year.

Abramoff's former assistant, Susan Ralston, went to work for Rove in 2001. Abramoff's legal team declined comment Monday night.

According to one of the three former associates, frequently Abramoff's cell phone would ring and the lobbyist would tell the associate that the White House was calling. To prove that he wasn't making up what he was telling the associate, Abramoff occasionally would hold up the phone so that the associate could see the incoming call was indeed a White House phone number.

Abramoff has pleaded guilty in a fraud and bribery conspiracy case and is cooperating with the investigation into those in Congress and the administration he used to lobby.

Asked about the three former Abramoff associates' account, the White House said Rove shared a common past with Abramoff as leaders of a young Republicans group decades ago.

"Mr. Rove remembers they had met at a political event in the 1990s," White House spokeswoman Erin Healy said. "Since then, he would describe him as a casual acquaintance."

Healy said Rove has "no recollection" of talking to Abramoff about the Malaysian prime minister's meeting in May 2002. She said Bush first met the prime minister at a foreign summit in October 2001 and that the 2002 meeting in the Oval Office was "another opportunity to get together to discuss the war on terror."
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Feb, 2006 11:15 am
Confirmed: Abramoff arranged a visit with Bush, through Rove, for some Malaysian fellows.


Ex-Malasian Leader Says He Paid Abramoff

Monday, February 20, 2006

Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said Monday that disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff was paid $1.2 million to organize his 2002 meeting with President Bush, but denied the money came from the Malaysian government.

Mahathir told reporters he was aware a payment was made to Abramoff, but he didn't know who made it. He said he had been persuaded by the U.S. think tank Heritage Foundation to meet with Bush at the time.

"It is true that somebody paid but it was not the (Malaysian) government," Mahathir said. "I understood some people paid a sum of money to lobbyists in America but I do not know who these people were and it was not the Malaysian government."

Mahathir said the Heritage Foundation believed he could help "influence (Bush) in some way regarding U.S. policies."

Mahathir visited the White House at a time when this Southeast Asian country had emerged as a key U.S. ally in the war on terror, following Mahathir's crackdown on suspected Islamic militants although he had been consistently critical of Bush's foreign policies.

Abramoff, once among Washington's top lobbyists, pleaded guilty last month to charges that he and a former partner concocted a fake wire transfer to make it appear they were putting a sizable stake of their own money into a 2000 purchase of casinos.

Abramoff also has pleaded guilty to charges stemming from an investigation into his ties to members of Congress and to the Bush administration.

As time goes by, more and more links between the Administration and Abramoff will begin to surface. Hell, between Abramoff and a whole lot of Republicans; this guy was doing double duty as a crook for the GOP these last few years, sheesh

0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Feb, 2006 11:19 am

Lobbyist Abramoff Describes Pictures of a "Bearded, Fatter Me" With President Bush

[Editor's note: A version of this story was posted briefly on Monday of this week. Within an hour, Jack Abramoff contacted the author, Washingtonian national editor Kim Eisler, and asked that the report be deleted from the Washingtonian.com Web site because public disclosure of his communications would damage his status as a witness and undermine his plea agreement with federal prosecutors. Abramoff has pleaded guilty to three felonies and could receive 31 years in prison for his part in the lobbying scandal. US District Court Judge Ellen Huvelle will decide the length of Abramoff's prison term. The link was taken down while Mr. Abramoff's concerns were investigated, but Mr. Eisler found no confirmation that publication of the item would damage any aspect of the wide-ranging probe. Thus we are posting this updated story.]

Time magazine published a photograph that showed Jack Abramoff in a scene with President Bush. This photo is not one of the five photos referred to in the February Washingtonian story that revealed the existence of pictures of the two men together. One of the photos referred to in the Washingtonian story was taken at the same event as the photo published by Time; in it the President and Abramoff are shaking hands. The Time photo showed Abramoff in the background.

In January Washingtonian national editor Kim Eisler was allowed to see the photos he reported on, but Abramoff would not release them for publication. Several of the pictures had hung prominently in Abramoff's office and had been seen by many visitors, including Eisler, who first met Abramoff while working on a book, Revenge of the Pequots, about Native American casinos.

When newspapers reported that the White House was in a "desperate frenzy" to find photographs of Abramoff and Bush together, Eisler described in his February Washingtonian Power Players column the ones he had seen.

Before publishing the item, Eisler contacted Abramoff to get details about the circumstances in which the photos were taken. The White House has repeatedly claimed that Bush did not know Abramoff and that the pictures must have been taken at a White House holiday party, when the President shakes hands with hundreds of people he doesn't know. None of the photographs seen by Eisler matched that description.

In various January communications with Eisler, Abramoff confirmed that he and President Bush had met in "almost a dozen settings." Abramoff said the President had "joked with me about a bunch of things, including details of my kids. Perhaps he has forgotten everything. Who knows."

In the photograph taken at the same event as the one published by Time, Abramoff said he and the President were discussing working out with weights.

Other photographs included a picture of Bush and Abramoff standing together with "Cheshire cat grins"; pictures of Bush and what Abramoff characterized as the "bearded fatter me"; a picture of Bush chatting with Abramoff's twin daughters ("Oh, you are twins; I have twins," Abramoff quoted Bush as saying); a picture of Bush, House speaker Dennis Hastert, and Abramoff's children; and a picture of Laura Bush with Abramoff's wife, Pam, and the twin girls, who had led the Pledge of Allegiance at the event (said Abramoff: "Laura went ga-ga over their being twins").

A frustrated Abramoff, who feels he has been abandoned by many of his conservative friends, added, "They will come up with excuse after excuse as to how and why he did not know me. I could have spent four months alone with him in Bolivia and he would not know me."

Who knows what this guy will say in time? Under the right pressure, some very serious people could be in very serious trouble.

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Reply Fri 3 Mar, 2006 09:43 am
Lobbyist's Credit Card Bill Outs DeLay Trip
Lobbyist's Credit Card Bill Outs DeLay Trip
Delay's Trip to Golf Resort Paid for by Abramoff
March 2, 2006
ABC News' Gina Sunseri contributed to this report

The paper trail seems so obvious it makes you wonder whether anyone ever worried about getting caught. When Rep. Tom DeLay, R-Texas, and his wife flew from Houston to a golf resort in Scotland in June 2000, the first-class airfare cost $14,001, a big-ticket item for a public servant. But someone else paid.

The American Express bills of lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who pleaded guilty to fraud charges in January, show he footed the bill for the tickets, in an apparent violation of House ethics rules.

"The source of the travel expenses may not be ... a registered lobbyist," according to the House rules. Abramoff was a registered lobbyist at the time.

DeLay's attorney told The Washington Post last year that DeLay was unaware of the "logistics" of bill payments and did not believe Abramoff paid for the tickets.

"This is a classic example of why the ethics rules have to be reformed," said Fred Wertheimer of Democracy 21, a nonprofit watchdog group. "The Scotland trip was a trip to play golf, pure and simple, and private interests should not be allowed to finance those kinds of trips and gain influence with members in return."

Abramoff pleaded guilty to three counts of conspiracy, honest-services mail fraud and tax evasion. Officials said Abramoff had brought corruption to a new level at the Capitol.

"The corruption scheme with Mr. Abramoff was very extensive, and the investigation continues," said Alice Fisher, the head of the Department of Justice's criminal division.

One aspect of Abramoff's corruption scheme was the free trips he provided to politicians to the Super Bowl, a golf resort in Scotland and to the northern Mariana Islands in the South Pacific.

An ABC News hidden camera recorded Abramoff greeting and hugging DeLay as he arrived in the northern Marianas.

DeLay, the former House majority leader, was only one congressman out of dozens who accepted the lobbyist's trips and campaign contributions.

"There are many members of Congress who will not sleep well tonight," said Wertheimer at the time of the investigation. "This is a blockbuster of an investigation that will reach deep inside the power structure."

Federal authorities told ABC News that Abramoff began providing details of his dealings with DeLay and pinpointing a long list of senators and representatives more than a year ago.

At least nine have since returned Abramoff's campaign contributions, and all, including DeLay, have denied any wrongdoing.

Officials told ABC News that the first congressman to be indicted for bribery is expected to be Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 10:47 am
The birdie is starting to sing, such a sweet, sweet song of corruption!

Anyone with any interest in this case should read this piece in the upcoming vanity fair:


0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 11:41 am
my my my

Vanity Fair's been covering some interesting stuff lately.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 11:41 am
When is the impeachment of Bush et al supposed to begin?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 08:57 am
Bush is lying

Abramoff says Bush is lying about not knowing him.

March 9, 2006 03:24 AM / Bush Leagues .

Convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff says President Bush knew him well enough to joke with him about weightlifting. "What are you benching, buff guy?" Abramoff said Bush asked him. The president has said he doesn't know Abramoff.
Abramoff said he finds it hard to believe Bush doesn't remember the 10 or so photos he and members of his family had snapped with the president and first lady.

"He (Bush) has one of the best memories of any politician I have ever met," Abramoff wrote in an e-mail, according to Vanity Fair's April issue being released this week. "Perhaps he has forgotten everything. Who knows?"

Abramoff pleaded guilty Jan. 4 to charges that he and a former partner, Adam Kidan, concocted a fake wire transfer to make it appear they were putting a sizable stake of their own money into a multimillion-dollar purchase of SunCruz Casinos gambling fleet in 2000. Abramoff also has pleaded guilty to charges stemming from a probe into his ties with members of Congress and the Bush administration.

"I had my picture taken with him, evidently," Bush said of Abramoff on Jan. 26. "I've had my picture taken with a lot of people."

"I frankly don't even remember having my picture taken with the guy," Bush added. "I don't know him."

A few days later, Abramoff wrote to Washingtonian magazine that he had met briefly with the president nearly a dozen times and that Bush knew him well enough to make joking references to Abramoff's family.

Abramoff told Vanity Fair that he once was invited to Bush's Texas ranch where he would have joined with other big Bush fundraisers. Abramoff, an Orthodox Jew, said he didn't go because the event fell on the Sabbath.

The lobbyist said that when Bush made a speech to fundraisers in 2003, he sat just a few feet from the president. Abramoff, the only lobbyist on the dais, was seated between Republican Sens. George Allen of Virginia and Orrin Hatch of Utah.

Three former associates of Abramoff have told The Associated Press the lobbyist frequently told them he had strong ties to the White House through its deputy chief of staff, Karl Rove.

Asked about the former Abramoff associates' accounts, the White House said Rove and Abramoff were leaders of a young Republicans group decades ago.

"Mr. Rove remembers they had met at a political event in the 1990s," White House spokeswoman Erin Healy has said. "Since then, he would describe him as a casual acquaintance."

According to Vanity Fair, Rove's relationship with Abramoff was deeper.

After Bush took office, Susan Ralston, Abramoff's administration assistant, assumed the same post with Rove at the White House, where Abramoff met with Rove at least once, the magazine said.

Rove dined several times at Abramoff's former restaurant in Washington, Signatures, and was Abramoff's guest in the owner's box of the NCAA basketball playoffs a few years ago, sitting for much of the game at Abramoff's side, Vanity Fair reported.

The White House has not released any photos that Bush took with Abramoff, but acknowledged the authenticity of one that has been made public. In the 2001 photo, Bush is seen shaking hands with the leader of an Indian tribe that was an Abramoff client. The lobbyist is in the background.

Abramoff said he thought about, but decided against, selling his photos with the Bushes for money. Publications were making Abramoff offers that rose to the low seven figures, Vanity Fair reports.

He blames the Bush administration for the media attention.

"My so-called relationship with Bush, Rove and everyone else at the White House has only become important because instead of just releasing details about the very few times I was there, they created a feeding frenzy by their deafening silence," Abramoff told the magazine.

"The Democrats, on the other hand, are going overboard, virtually insisting I was there to plan the invasion of Iraq."

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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 11:08 am
Most of us with our heads uncluttered by Bush-talk know he has lied and lied and lied - that has resulted in the death of thousands. They (republicans) had the audacity to attempt the impeachment of Clinton for lying about a personal sexual encounter.

Why is it that people cannot see why this picture is so wrong? Are Americans that stupid?
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