After yesterdays schmozzle, wherein I probably lost an old friend, I was not going to set foot on this thread again. But the following announcement of US intent as regards Iraq can't go unmentioned. Three weeks or so ago, I expressed my suspicion that the US was not planning to leave Iraq at all, but wanted to utilize it as their military base in the mid-east. Adding this element into the equation was coherent with what the boys in charge appeared to be reaching for, including their stance as regards the UN before the war and after. It is only now they are admitting it.
What are the chances, do you all suppose, that the US will EVER allow an election wherein the poll-leading party, regardless of its other platform positions, has also advanced the policy position of US troops and facilities leaving their country? And what word, do you suppose, best describes such a state of affairs?
Quote:Pentagon Expects Long-Term Access to Four Key Bases in Iraq