Homophobia helps destroy so many lives in so many ways? What about alcoholism and drug addiction?
The point of this show seems to be to mock Christianity, and it mocks it by using the things that Christianity believes God said are sins and portraying so called Christians committing these sins.
Oh yeah, the world is making great progress. It's okay to make fun of Christians because they believe something is wrong according to God. But since non-believers, atheists, etc. think this kind of thing is ok then it's okay?
I don't call that progress at all. I call that bigotry against those that believe in something others don't. Thus comes my new term of religiophobia. Now, what's the difference?
blueflame1 wrote:Phoenix, I doubt I'll ever watch this show. I posted this because I thought it was interesting news. Bound to create controversy. More progress as far as I can see. Homophobes are bound to be upset because it shows how badly they're losing their war to keep gays in the closet. It's like they're trying to stop the sunrise, hopeless. And their homophobia helps destroy so many lives in so many ways. I hope the guy writing this show is a fabulous writer and hope his show is a great success. Sorry I forgot the link.
I thought blueflame had gone completely over the edge.
Momma Angel wrote:Homophobia helps destroy so many lives in so many ways? What about alcoholism and drug addiction?
Yeah, and what about blind faith?!!! Talk about destroying lives!
Chai Tea wrote:
Sturgis - did you not see my guidelines for attaining the status of Journyman gay and Master gay?
Haven't you read your handbook for 2006?
They updated all the time frames from the ones sited in the 1999 handbook.
Get with the program dear.
There's a handbook?

Darn it I've been doing this thing wrong all along then...
Actually, ER has shown doctors doing not so nice things, such as drinking, performing unethical deeds, etc., yet it is not seen as mocking the practice of medicine. And NYPD Blue showed cops doing any number of awful things (so does The Shield), things that go to the essence of being a police officer, yet the show is not seen as mocking the badge.
The plot, so far as I can tell from the tiny synopsis of a show I have never heard of, let alone seen, appears to be that there is dirty laundry in every house. And the idea is to be contrarian, e. g. show it up as being issues that the protagonist's profession and beliefs says are bad, but the protagonist and his family are doing them anyway. That, I believe, makes for pretty good drama -- dramatic tension, yes?
Besides, none of us have seen this show. Who's to say that it doesn't show the protagonist learning and growing from his mistakes? Or changing his life? Or being punished for the error of his ways? None of us know that because the dang thing hasn't even aired yet.
I am not making fun of Christians and I hope you are not seeing it that way. All I am suggesting is that there is probably a lot more to this story than the teeny tiny piece we have been exposed to -- it seems premature to judge it without all the facts being present, yes?
Wait a sec.....
So if you have troubles, if you don't approve of all the things going on around you, and you turn to Jesus for a chat you're mocking Christianity?
I don't get it.
Chai Tea, yes I think it's very interesting. Very exciting and even historical. And I said the show is bound to create controversy. I hope it's a great and insightful show. I dont think it mocks Christianity but is bound to anger homophobes in general and certainly homophobic "Christians". The authors of the article I posted wrote the headline and a link to complain to the networks. I forgot the link but put it in later because those offended of the show should have the right to complain. I believe it's good to take sides and duke it out. The right wing fundamentalists have won some biggies against the networks in the last few years. Yet obviously in this particular war of homophobia they're losing no matter how hard they press. Even stacking the Supreme Court wont really help them unless America is ready to take equal rights under the law out of the Constitution. Good for "The Book of Daniel" I say.
Momma Angel wrote:dyslexia wrote:Ok, what part of this show mocks christianity?
Very funny, dys.

I don't know if the show is funny or not, I haven't seen it. Now once again, what part of this show mocks christianity? If you don't know momma angel, don't try to answer. Your eyes just rolling like that and you'll get a headache which you'll then blame on me for persecuting you. Snood will have to get involved and eventually there will be another crucifiction. I can wait til easter for the dénouement if you can refrain from the spinning head/eyes, I don't care for pea soup as a sacrement.
Turnabout is fair play. The Christian church has been bashing gays for years. This writer is just getting a little well deserved revenge.
Momma Angel wrote:
The point of this show seems to be to mock Christianity, and it mocks it by using the things that Christianity believes God said are sins and portraying so called Christians committing these sins.
I totally disagree that Christianity believes God said homosexuality is sin. To equate your faith with all of Christianity is incorrect.
There is no consensus within Christianity about:
* The nature of homosexuality,
* What the Bible says about homosexuality, or
* What policies to enforce about gay and lesbian members, candidates for ordination. commitment rituals or study programs.
The response of Christian faith groups to homosexuality varies greatly, depending upon their position in the liberal - fundamentalist continuum. More liberal denominations and Christians tend to view homosexuality as a civil rights matter; they generally believe it is fixed, unchosen, normal, natural, and morally neutral sexual orientation for a minority of adults. More conservative denominations and Christians tend to view homosexuality as a profound evil; they generally believe it is changeable, chosen, abnormal, unnatural and immoral behavior, regardless of the nature of the relationship.
* The more liberal denominations, like the United Church of Christ, have changing their positions on homosexuality, in recent years, to adopt a more inclusive stance.
* Mainline denominations such as the Methodists, Presbyterians and Episcopalians are actively debating the question. A future church schism may result., particularly in the case of the Presbyterian Church (USA), Similar splits have occurred in the past over human slavery, whether women should be ordained, and certain theological debates.
* More conservative denominations are taking no significant action at this time, except to occasionally condemn homosexuality.
bullet Fundamentalist denominations commit significant effort against homosexuality and homosexual rights. For example, the Southern Baptist Convention expelled three of their congregations who had conducted a study of homosexuality, had concluded that the denomination's beliefs were invalid, and who welcomed gays and lesbians as members.
All movement appears to be towards greater inclusiveness towards homosexuality and homosexuals. This is reinforced by the more accepting stance of today's youth. We are unaware of any religious groups becoming less inclusive.
Christian - gay stance
All Christian denominations by no means think of sexual preference as sin. We can't tell until the show airs, but it's possible that it's attempting to shed Christianity in a mainstream light and not a mocking stance whatsoever.
It seems they are intent on doing a show in which the characters are embroiled in the pitfalls and pratfalls common to many modern people (overly dramatized to get your attention, no doubt). So far, I don't see how it mocks Cristianity.
What we really need is a popular program that does mock christianity.
"I Love Jesus" wherein Jesus' lives in a dumpy New York apartment and Mary is a singer at the Tropicana and He always wants to be in the show....
We call them "Disciples".
But, apparently, they are only allowed to be men......
I saw the ad. It's a comedy.
I'm personally not too thrilled about their characterization of Jesus--but it theirs, not mine....the rest of it seemed screamingly funny.
I'm looking forward to seeing it.
From what I can tell, the jesus on southpark is better.
I like him.
His show needs some oomph.
This sounds like fun. Is there any way I can watch it outside the States?