Tue 27 Dec, 2005 11:12 am
Email NBC Chairman Bob Wright over NBC's latest show, "The Book of Daniel."
NBC is touting the network's mid-season replacement series "The Book of Daniel" with language that implies it is a serious drama about Christian people and Christian faith. The main character is Daniel Webster, a drug-addicted Episcopal priest whose wife depends heavily on her mid-day martinis.
Webster regularly sees and talks with a very unconventional white-robed, bearded Jesus. The Webster family is rounded out by a 23-year-old homosexual Republican son, a 16-year-old daughter who is a drug dealer, and a 16-year-old adopted son who is having sex with the bishop's daughter.
At the office, his lesbian secretary is sleeping with his sister-in-law.
Network hype - and the mainstream media - call it "edgy," "challenging" and "courageous." The hour-long limited drama series will debut January 6 with back-to-back episodes and will air on Friday nights. The writer for the series is a practicing homosexual.
The homosexual son will be network prime-time's only regular male homosexual character in a drama series.
Please use the link below to send a letter to NBC Chairman Bob Wright.
Next, please forward this to your family and friends today!
Those at NBC responsible for this program consider it a good, religiously oriented show typical of Christian families.
It's on Fridays. No one watches TV on Fridays.
If it's as bad as described, I'm sure it will die a quiet death...
Then again, if the Family Research Council makes enough noise, maybe people will watch it!
Where do I write to in order to complain that it doesn't seem to be based closely on The Devil and Daniel Webster?
A Daniel come to judgment, yea, a Daniel.
How long does a homosexual have to practice before they are really good?
Well, they say practice makes perfect. Plus, that's how you get to Carnegie Hall (practice, practice). I don't know if it's how perfect homosexuals get to Carnegie Hall, though.
Jespah's all frisky today!!!
God save us all. I don't understand why Christianity is up for mocking. Try mocking the Jewish religion, Muslim religion, any other religion, and you will quickly be called on it.
I think this is just shameful.
Ok, what part of this show mocks christianity?
so the show doesn't start until 1/6, how do you know so much about it?
what, like from a commercial or something?
are you saying there aren't any ministers out there who are drunks, or whose children sell drugs, or whose wife is a slut, or whatever?
homosexuals must practice for a minimum of 15 years in order to get the rank of journeymen gay.
It takes another 20 to attain master gaymanship.
Re: New NBC Drama Show Mocks Christianity
blueflame1 wrote: The main character is Daniel Webster, a drug-addicted Episcopal priest... wife depends heavily on her mid-day martinis.
Webster regularly sees and talks with a very unconventional white-robed, bearded Jesus. The Webster family is rounded out by a 23-year-old homosexual Republican son, a 16-year-old daughter who is a drug dealer, and a 16-year-old adopted son who is having sex with the bishop's daughter.
At the office, his lesbian secretary is sleeping with his sister-in-law.
... The writer for the series is a practicing homosexual.
The homosexual son will be network prime-time's only regular male homosexual character in a drama series.
Please use the link below to send a letter to NBC Chairman Bob Wright.
Well, it's about time a Republican homosexual was portrayed on television.
Further, I agree...we should all write to NBC and express our outrage that there aren't more homosexuals and Republicans being portrayed on prime time programs.
By the way what is a practicing homosexual? Do people also have to practice to become heterosexual? I have to admit that I have never had to practice my sexuality, I was a queer from day one...and I'm darned proud of it too.
That's how these campaigns work: Some organization gets wind of something planned and comes up with a pre-emptive strike.
Remember Scorsese's "Last Temptation of Christ"? Huge campaign against the film before it even opened...
Re: New NBC Drama Show Mocks Christianity
Sturgis wrote:blueflame1 wrote: The main character is Daniel Webster, a drug-addicted Episcopal priest... wife depends heavily on her mid-day martinis.
Webster regularly sees and talks with a very unconventional white-robed, bearded Jesus. The Webster family is rounded out by a 23-year-old homosexual Republican son, a 16-year-old daughter who is a drug dealer, and a 16-year-old adopted son who is having sex with the bishop's daughter.
At the office, his lesbian secretary is sleeping with his sister-in-law.
... The writer for the series is a practicing homosexual.
The homosexual son will be network prime-time's only regular male homosexual character in a drama series.
Please use the link below to send a letter to NBC Chairman Bob Wright.
Well, it's about time a Republican homosexual was portrayed on television.
Further, I agree...we should all write to NBC and express our outrage that there aren't more homosexuals and Republicans being portrayed on prime time programs.
By the way what is a practicing homosexual? Do people also have to practice to become heterosexual?
I have to admit that I have never had to practice my sexuality, I was a queer from day one...and I'm darned proud of it too.
You're what they call a prodigy.
Most of us have to practice regularly to be any good.
Phoenix, I doubt I'll ever watch this show. I posted this because I thought it was interesting news. Bound to create controversy. More progress as far as I can see. Homophobes are bound to be upset because it shows how badly they're losing their war to keep gays in the closet. It's like they're trying to stop the sunrise, hopeless. And their homophobia helps destroy so many lives in so many ways. I hope the guy writing this show is a fabulous writer and hope his show is a great success. Sorry I forgot the link.
Momma Angel wrote:God save us all. I don't understand why Christianity is up for mocking. Try mocking the Jewish religion, Muslim religion, any other religion, and you will quickly be called on it.
I think this is just shameful.
The Koran is a steaming pile of horseshit, and anyone who accepts it as the word of god is a complete moron.
<waiting to be called on my mockery>
Ah. Donald Wildmon. Frisky, yes. It must be something in the eggnog. Thanks for the info, Chai.
PS I'm being perfectly serious here -- I don't see where this mocks Christianity. So the guy being portrayed has problems and quirks. And his being portrayed as a minister means he's immune? I'm being completely serious now. I truly don't see where this mocks Christianity any more than Melrose Place mocked blondes.
Oh Puhleeze....
you posted because you thought this was just interesting?
then why are you encourage people to write to the mucky mucks at the network?
What a load.
Sturgis - did you not see my guidelines for attaining the status of Journyman gay and Master gay?
Haven't you read your handbook for 2006?
They updated all the time frames from the ones sited in the 1999 handbook.
Get with the program dear.