I assume ya'll also take the Virgin Birth and everything else literally, also?
Intrepid wrote:God is Spirit... not man
Well, I know. But then why would God be called a "He"? Just wondering.
Momma Angel wrote:You mean you don't?
It makes more sense to me to read it more like poetry.
Because we call Him the Father.
Maybe a male dominance thing with the bible writer's? ???
Momma Angel wrote:Because we call Him the Father.
I know. But why? Why is God called the Father? Why not the Mother? Or why not just God? I'm just wondering what the reason is that God is referred to in the masculine. (not trying to incite a riot... you know that)
Well, maybe because God considers Himself a he? Jesus called Him the father so that really tends me to believe the father is a he.
Intrepid wrote:Maybe a male dominance thing with the bible writer's? ???
Hmmm....If so, why should it be continued that way? If it was only a prejudice of the writers?
Well..... Jesus already had a mother ;-)
Good point Intrepid. Why didn't I think of that?
Intrepid wrote:Well..... Jesus already had a mother ;-)
You really don't think that Joseph was Jesus' Earthly father? After all, it is through Joseph that the Davidic line is traced.
Joseph was not Jesus' biological father.
You can decide for yourself according to the bible.
Intrepid wrote:You can decide for yourself according to the bible.
I don't get it. Decide what?
What do ya'll think about the Apocrypha, esp. the Nag Hammadi scriptures?
I believe they are books written by imposters and not true disciples.
Really? Why would you think that? I have found them truly insighful.