I know that everyone wants proof when they cannot see the invisible. That's just it tho, who can KNOW something that IS invisible? I understand how you guys can go by this. It's very hard to explain, it's more of a *feeling* than anything. A knowing, a complete peace that noone or nothing else in this world can even fathom. I searched for happiness everywhere for many years. Trust me, life is not easy just because 'we are Christian', but I know I have the faith to get me thru this life so I can enjoy the next one. That's what matters most, is the next life. When I found happiness nowhere at all, I was filled by HIM, our creator. Like I said, there's nothing anyone can do to shake this, or come close. I never thought I would find this. I'm so glad I did. He's waiting for everyone to come to him. He's not the one who leaves us, but we are the only ones who decide on whether we actualy get to know him or not. I know there's people who try, but let me tell you, if you just try sometime when you feel in your heart it's best, it's all well worth it.
I'm not saying this is proof that the red sea was parted. Esp. the ones who never believe in anything they don't want to. :wink:
Go ahead, bash it all you want. I only found it interesting, and I'm sure there's other people out there who like to learn about these things.