Your an idiot.
Yes. No. Maybe.
I don't have to be afraid of everything. After all, I'm not a Republican.
Too complex for me. I just ask myself, What would Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck do?
Who gives a rat's ass?
I'm off to drain the bat, baby.
Quote:I'm waiting for NASCAR to say something..... Like normal, they are racing around in circles.
I'm waiting for NASCAR to say something.....
Personally, I like to make startled rabbit noises whilst my dog is dreaming, just to see his little legs start flying.
Dr Zhivago. Not enough helicopters .
I think if you have acne then you have problems inside your organism...
I shall boycott quo vadis, because I am not likely to have the answer.
Dang! I read the title and immediately knew who posted it.
i liked it better when you were wrong
the last thing the world needs is a backyard particle accelerator