a giant tumer. My head is the size of a....
.. pumped up pumpkin and it aches always. Right now I'm taking a stupid headache pill called "pumpkin pisties"
I think I'll go to a surgeon to chop off my head and add a new one because...
I do so much envy Merril Streeps masculin face. Perhaps they would give me her head. I think then I will become an actress and play in movies like...
like Poisoned with the sting and British Cake. I love sex because...
I get bored easily and it kills time...
although pasting pictures of George Bush into my scrapbook is nearly as......
if not better than sex as hes just like someone I hope to marry someday
who lives....
like a rock star. Speaking of rock stars, I wonder what my old friend Steven Tyler is up to, probably eating.....
his toe nails while booking a botox treatment through his...
fools way too gladly, time to up my intake of...
hair rejuvenation cream....
until my google stock plateaus, then I can ...
ahh what did I just say? must be those pills or that damn hair cream, I think I might just...
Go work on my masters in picture framing. I like pictures of ...
cheese any cheese will do....
but I particularly like gorgonzola, yes, gorgonzola with...
yoghurt and cheerios, washed down with 2 shots of....
Peach Schnapps, of course, and a packet of
dehydrated tripe....nothing like it! my gums are watering at the thought of it, in the meanwhile I might.....
as well start cleaning all the toilets on my floor of the apartment... after all, it ...