Well I am sorry but I am not into philosophy.
I think philosophy is ability to create 500 hundered pages long book without saying anything but only making it look as it means something because sentences are grammaticly correct.
For me philosophy was unsuccesfull attempt to understand nature by locking your selfl inside of dark room and then trying to figure out how world works simply by thinking about it.
Philosophy was a big failure and gave absolutly no answers about our world just a bunch of speculations.
Now, I have nothing about speculations as a starting point to try to design and create experiments that might prove it correct or wrong as it is done in science.
But if those speculations remain just that then we have endless conversations about what might be and no argumets that can be used to prove any of those.
After philosophy came science and provided us with real knowledge about how nature probably works. Every assumption that science does is there to be replaced with new theories as soon as some new knowledge that doesn't fit in old assumption is aquiered.
Now if you want to have theory where reality is just product of our mind, or if you say something like object circels around subject or subject circules aroun object this is all greate but people can inventd infinite number of such hypoteticl theories. And from the sea of such different interpratations of world which one to choose. Do we choose the one which is backed by inifinte number of experiments, makes sense and it is quite easy to understand, or do we stick to those that didn't make a single step forward after being defined, use some hard to understand terms in which everyone gets lost, have no backup in any experiments and so on.
In order to function we need to make decisions.
In order to make decisions we need to have some rules which we follow to make those decisions.
You know where I stand and how I see the world.
Choose any of the alternative positions on how the world functions, choose some situation and provide solution which would follow from that theory.