1. The limits of my language are the limits of my world
What is this supposed to mean exactly

Rock, plants and animals have no langugae and they still leave and perfomr complex tasks. Languagw was invented by humans in late stage of their exitanse. Is this supposed to mean that people didn't exist before langugae is invented. Language is nothing more but a way to share thoughts between each pther since we have no telepatic capabilities. If we were to have telepatic capabiliites it is possible that we wouldn't need language at all. We could tune in in another persons brain waves and "read" directly from them that for instance that other persons is thirsty, or that is planning to play tennis later and so on. Words are just one of the many ways to comunicate. World definitly exists without the words.
2. Meaning is use
Ehm, and what is this supposed to mean

3. The fact that we only use "free will" in particular contexts is semantically significant.
Free will is not used in particular contexts. Rock means rock in any context it is used. So does term "free will". If most peopel discuss free will in context of responseability of ther actions, or in religios context that only measn that those poepl are most interested in how non existance of free will influences those terms.
In Europe most people when talking about ball talk about it in context of footbal because it is the most popular sport in europe. Saying that because of that ball exists only in context of footbal would be wrong.
In USA when talking about ball most poeple would talk in the context of basketball.
And if there were no basketball or footbal child could still play with the ball because ball as term is not connected to any kind of context.