Every person you meet, every stranger you get up the courage to talk to, makes it easier to meet men. This is something I learned from (yes, it's true!!!) Slappy.
The more you talk to people, particularly to people where there is no big stake in the conversation (such as saying good morning to the mailman, or hi to someone walking their dog), the easier it will be to talk to someone where the stakes are high (I haven't used this to meet men, me being married and all that, but I have used it to get over some job interview shyness).
Boston U. used to (I bet it still does) offer night classes, and it also used to (I bet it still does) offer creative writing classes. If BU is too pricey, there are plenty of other schools around here, they all offer English classes even if they don't offer creative writing, per se. There's Wheaton, Simmons (a lot more women there, though), BC, UMass, etc. etc. etc.