Failed my driving test! Am I the stupidest one here?

Wed 13 Jan, 2010 06:11 pm
Cyphercat used to use a photo avatar. Definately a feminine type.
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Wed 17 Mar, 2010 09:26 am
I failed today too D: She told me I was too comfortable and relaxed with driving that i wasn't cautious enough. I turned into the wrong lane on a one way street, i didn't have both hands on the wheel, i stopped in front of the stop sign, and i wasn't 'looking everywhere'. I got a 27, and need less than 15 to pass. FML i hope i pass tomorrow
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Thu 18 Mar, 2010 06:25 pm
YA I failed my test for being to passive....WTF!?!!? I made ZERO mistakes, but he said i didn't quite make it....i know this dude had it out for me. and it pisses me right off. being too passive??? what!!!!????
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Fri 26 Mar, 2010 08:42 am
my story by far has to be one of the worst. OK so first, my mom didn't sign me up for the november driversed class so i had to wait two more months to even take drivers ed. then after drivers ed when we all get our greenslips which are like permits, mine got delayed because my mom didn't pay the full amount. so i'm now about 4 months delayed in getting this license. so then last friday I finally went to go take my test but I show up and my mom forgot my greenslip so we had to drive back home and then back to the dmv and by then i only had time for the written test (which i passed). SO then we scheduale the driving test for the next monday but over the weekend my mom cracks her windshiled so i can't drive her car to take the test in. so then my brother is like take mine and i end up having to take it in a car that i have NEVER driven before but just as i'm about to take it the instructor notices how the car doesnt have a front license plate and says i can't take it. So then today I finally went to take it, woke up really early and practiced in the dmv parking lot an hour before it opened and I was so excited. So i go to take it and everything is going fine then like a minute into the drive the instructor goes did you see that speed limit sign and i'm like yeah it said 30 and he was like the one back there and i was like yeah it said 30 i know it did and he said no it said 30 ahead, you were going 30 in a 40 mph zone so i was like oh crap. then we are driving and there is a school bus stopped and i didn't stop 25 ft in front of it but i did stop! and he was like uh do you see that school bus and im like yeah then the light switches to green and im like thinking if i go or not cause the cars behind me looked pissed but i just stayed there and then when the bus moved on i did too and he was like yeah you need to sop 25 ft in front of the bus and i was like kay thanks. then we entered a school zone where the spped limit dropped from 30 to 20 and i was like ok where does this school zone end so im looking for the end school zone sign and don't notice the red light and hes like uh you gonna stop for that red light and im like oh **** yeah and i slam the brakes. yeah needless to say i failed and have been crying for 2 hours cause everyone of my friends passed and said it was so easy. i wanted to drop kick the instructors face. good luck to anyone who takes it!!! and wish me luck for april 5th when i take it again. ughh i just want this license.
Tue 8 Jun, 2010 04:17 pm
Well I just failed my driving test incredible stupidly. I've been driving for 10 months, I waited almost an hour for my test. Then right after I pull out of the DMV - RIGHT AFTER I PULL OUT- I turn the wheel to fast and end up in the right lane. I corrected it quickly, but I failed anyways. I've never done this, not even when I first started driving. and it was hard to explain to my mom what I did wrong, because, well, nobody does that. ever. lesson learned: don't make stupid mistakes and don't let your butterflies take control
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Tue 15 Jun, 2010 10:37 pm
I failed my driving test too, but the thing that annoys me most is that I SHOULD'VE passed the test if not this IDIOT behind cut me in my lane to turn to a stupid bike rack and almost hit me becoz he was doing a 50 at a 30 mph!!! my instructor flipped and it was literally the last turn that i had to do before the test was done and over and i would pass.. i know i'm being a bad person but to this day i just wish that karma got to that person who cut me in the lane, did an ILLEGAL turn into a bike rack just to get ahead of me, i mean, didn't he even have the decency or courtesy, it said STUDENT DRIVER...
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Tue 15 Jun, 2010 11:26 pm
I got to admit, that's worse than the story I posted about the crooked Illinois testers.
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Tue 15 Jun, 2010 11:37 pm
you should go back and run over the driving tester, at least you'll rack up some points then.
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vincent p
Mon 28 Jun, 2010 12:26 pm
i failed mine today my dad told me not to go into the bike lane when making a right turn
2nd i did not increase my speed when merging into a left lane (no one was in the lane for miles)
3rd i made a wide turn (so what)
now i have a another test in 2 months lol
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Tue 20 Jul, 2010 07:25 pm
Don't worry, I've failed twice already, and most people say I'm a pretty good driver. 1st time for hitting a cone, 2nd time for driving down the wrong way in a parking lot. I was devastated both times, but am going back to try again. 3rd times the charm ;]
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Thu 29 Jul, 2010 09:32 am
I literally just failed my driving test. I feel like the dumbest person of all. I cannot stop crying. And you want to know how I failed? I didn't "slow down and look at an uncontrolled intersection" even though I did look I just didn't turn my head to look. I'm horrified to take my test again. I never want to drive again. I fail at everything, school, driving test, and life. I wish things would go right for once in my life, you know?
Wed 4 Aug, 2010 11:03 pm
It's been a few days, so I hope you're feeling much better. I live in NYC, and I failed last time because these driving testers are such vulgar people. I failed because the tester claimed my right turns were too wide. I wasn't even all the way in another lane - only the nose of the car was in the other lane a little when I turned. I really think she was racist towards Asians because she didn't respond to anything I said.. -even when I said hi - and I just felt that she was looking and talking down to me like dirt. The tester put down all sorts of things in my slip like "obstructing traffic, not following traffic rules".. WHAT THE HELL! all because of slightly wide right turns. I so wanted to curse her out and beat her to bits. I know that it might have been bad for my driving record, so I kept a positive attitude.

You are not the dumbest person of all. Tons of people pass because their testers were more human. Tons of people fail for all sorts of reasons. The dumbest people of all are the driving testers because they think the world owes them a big favor for the job that they do. At least you seem to be a sensitive person. And people are allowed to make mistakes. Our eyes only pick up certain things because if we focused on everything, then our brains would have to be bigger than our bodies Razz. Blame it on the evolution of eyes and stupidity of human reasoning on the tester's part.

When I failed the first time a month ago, I also cried and was so hurt. I thought that the test would be easy because I was so used to overcoming things and winning. I also felt like I never wanted to drive again, that failing the this test proved that I was a failure in life. Truth is, winning at life is a decision that we ourselves make.

The good guys we love most in stories are those who have overcome the most impossible of obstacles in a most elegant way. I challenge you to pick yourself up and strive to be the best driver anyone has ever seen. Prove them all wrong!

I'm taking my driving test tomorrow for the 2nd time, with my mom's new car because the car that I was supposed to drive just broke down yesterday Sad - of all days. My parents also haven't been supportive of teaching me how to drive. If I fail, I'm not going to let them bring me down. Those testers mean nothing to me. They don't matter enough in my life to even ponder over. Wish me luck!

By the way, I don't believe you fail at life at all. You were bright enough to come to this forum and share your woes.
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Wed 4 Aug, 2010 11:08 pm
I so wanted to curse her out and beat her to bits. I know that it might have been bad for my driving record, so I kept a positive attitude.

Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Wed 4 Aug, 2010 11:09 pm
They say most Germans fail their driving test at least once before ever passing it. Then again to pass the thing you apparently have to do things like changing a tire on the road and explaining aspects of automotive theory...
Wed 4 Aug, 2010 11:21 pm
They say most Germans fail their driving test at least once before ever passing it
Back in the mid 90's Germans were paying over $2K for driving school....it is a very big deal there, or was
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Fri 6 Aug, 2010 05:19 am
Reading through all these driving test failure stories, I now feel a bit more comforted over my own failure... and the need to rant about it Wink

So, I took my first driving test today and failed. Though, I truly believe the tester screwed me over. First, it was off to a horrible start. The very moment she sat in the car, I turned to say hi, and she just shot me this glare, with an expression on her face that just seemed to read "Your not passing this test.". In the end she marked me off for things I didn't even do. 4 marks for "Unnecessary stops", despite the fact I only stopped at red lights, stop signs, and twice for pedestrians that ran into the street. She also marked me for not checking my blind spots, despite the fact I made sure I looked into the mirrors and over my shoulders for every single turn and lane change. Then, For the backing up by the curb portion of the test, she marked me off 4 points for 'taking too much time' to back up. EVERYONE who gave me advice told me all their testers told them it's a good thing to back up slowly and take your time, So, that confused me.

Now here's the real kicker: on the final stretch of the test, going back to the DMV, she told me to get into the left lane (there was a left lane, middle lane, and right line on both sides of the street.). So I changed lanes, and it was all fine. About 2-3 minutes later , we passed some construction going on in the right lane, so I started to slow down for it. All of a sudden, she started yelling "Where are you going? Where are you going?" grabs the wheel and swerves us into the middle lane. She gave me a critical error of "driving on the wrong side of the intersection". I honestly have NO idea what happened with that. She just started freaking out, despite the fact I was in the same exact lane that she asked me to go into, and I had been driving in for the past couple of minutes. And I know I wasn't driving on the wrong side of the road, as there was a car directly in front of me the entire time. I'm thinking she just wanted an excuse to end the test early? (But, if I really was doing something wrong here, maybe an experienced driver or such could let me know what I did wrong? The tester offered almost no feedback, I pointed out I knew I was in the correct lane, and there was a car driving in front of me, and she didn't even respond.)

Well, regardless, I'll just have to renew my permit (it expires in about a week.) And try again. Hopefully, I'll have a better tester than this time.
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Thu 12 Aug, 2010 02:37 pm
I just failed my drivers test today. I waited in line since 3am to take the test only to fail it! Wtf???? I'm appliying for hardship license so when I had the right away, I stopped the car because some guy was about to take it and I was scared the car was going to hit me. The second reason she gave me was that I went over the speed limit by 5miles. She said that since I'm applying for hardship 2 mistakes is enough...So now I have to wake up at 2am again just to take the test.
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cicerone imposter
Thu 12 Aug, 2010 03:27 pm
HOw does anybody fail a driving test? Never heard of such a thing.

However, I recently had to renew my driver's licence, took the written test, and the DMV clerk said I had to 1) get my eye's examined by an OD and complete a report, and 2) take a driver's test. With my glasses on, my vision is almost 20/20, and I've not had an accident or any kind of "ticket" for the past couple of decades.

When I went in for my driver's test, the examiner asked me why I was there, so I told him I was instructed to take a driver's test. He asked me how long I've been driving, and I told him "longer than you've been alive."

He said, "I'll go process your papers; you pass."
Fri 13 Aug, 2010 12:12 am
@cicerone imposter,
Great story, CI. Sounds like you managed to get someone with a bit of common sense there at the end Smile

I've found this thread to be amusing for the most part. Very Happy
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Wed 25 Aug, 2010 10:10 am
Yeah, OK. I get that a lot of people blame the instructors for failing us but in reality we should blame ourselves. But when it comes to the point where all of your friends passed because they DIDN'T have to parallel park and drive/park like idiots whereas yiu had to when your nerves were so wracked up you couldn't tell left from right and slightly, SLIGHTLY bumped the car in front of you - not fair. Just not fair! I took it today in Vermont, however am accustomed to driving in massachusetts; doesn't anyone know that we are called "massholes" for a reason? We bump-that's what we do. We are reknown for our bumping. Not to mention that this was the first time I had ever bumped into a car. Ever. IT'S NOT FAIR! I feel extremely stupid. As though I just gave the world, the instructor, and my family one more reason as to why I'm a waste of air. But most of all I feel as though I let people down. AAAARGH!

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