When the kids were Mo's age, we would take them to see Santa at Mr B's work. Santa happened to own the company and would make a point of asking Mr B what special gift K and M were looking for that particular year. When Santa arrived at the workplace, dressed up in full costume, he'd stroll around the company handing out the company gift to the staff and speak to each child who had come to see him (including his own, hehe). When he came up to the girls he might say, "Hello K, I bet you're looking for a doll stroller this year,. Hello M, I think you want some new play cookware." The girls were THRILLED that Santa knew what they wanted. It was a *miracle* because they hadn't even sent him a letter, or anything!!!
Well, of course, the special gift that Santa proclaimed was from Santa - wrapped in unique paper that only Santa gifts were wrapped in. The tradition of the special gift, wrapped in unique Santa paper (which remained hidden in the back of my closet
) was continued until very recently. The gift card was written in my sloppy right hand (I'm left-handed), in a different colored ink than the rest of the gift cards. Overboard? yup, but it was fun
From my upbringing, Santa filled our stockings with candy, a small game or puzzle, and fruit and nuts. The gifts came from those who gave them.